Storage Details Report

This report lists information for all storage items that have future scheduled billing.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Branch ID

Enter *(all) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.


Select *(all) to include all warehouses in the report, or select them individually from the drop-down list.

Storage Type

Select *(all) to include all storage types in the report, or select them individually from the drop-down list


Reporting Valuation


The standard report provided by MoversSuite reports Item Code values of 79101, 79102, 79103, 79201, 79202, 79203, 79301, 79302, and 79303 for Valuation. Your valuation items added through Recurring Billing must match one of reported Item Codes to be included in the Valuation Quantity and Valuation Amount header buckets.



Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by Branch, Warehouse, Storage Type and then Billing Cycle.


Header Information


The following information displays in the header for each Branch:

    (Branch) Branch Description

    Storage Quantities

    Storage Amount

    Valuation Quantity (see Reporting Valuation note above)

    Valuation Amount (see Reporting Valuation note above)


Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items for each order record displayed:


    Order Number

    Customer (Number) and Name

    Storage In Date

    Last Billing Cycle Date Range

    Storage Note


The report lists the following detailed information for each storage item displayed:

    Storage Item Description



    Storage Amount

    Billed Flag (Yes or No)

    Recurring Billing Flag (Yes or No)

    Recurring Billing End Date

    Warehouse Location

    Storage Item Note


Report Totals


The report provides the following total counts:

    Total Storage Quantities, Amounts, Valuation Quantity, and Valuation Amount for each Branch

    Total Storage Quantities, Amounts, Valuation Quantity, and Valuation Amount for each Warehouse

    Total Storage Quantities, Amounts, Valuation Quantity, and Valuation Amount for each Billing Cycle

    Total Storage Quantities, Amounts, Valuation Quantity, and Valuation Amount for each Order

    Grand Total for Storage Quantities, Amounts, Valuation Quantity, and Valuation Amount for the entire report