Estimated Crew Hours per Branch Report

This report lists scheduled services and provides estimated crew hours for a given date range.  Further, it displays a graphical representation of the services by branch.


Refer to the Estimated Crew Hours Comparison Report to use this report as a comparison tool between two periods.






Services Scheduled From

Enter the service date to begin selecting records on.

Services Scheduled To

Enter the service date to end selecting records on.

Orders Booked On or Before

Enter an order booked date as the cutoff date for the record selection.


Report Details


Report Grouping


No grouping is in effect.



Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.




Orders Booked On or Before Date

Displays the date used to qualify records on based on the booked date of the order. 


This date displays on the Move Information tab for an order.

Services Scheduled Dates

Displays the date ranged used to qualify records on as defined within the report parameters section.

Branch of Service

Displays the Branch ID and Name of the branch set for the service.

See Add Local Service and Branch Setup for more information.

Scheduled Services

Displays the number of services scheduled for a particular branch during the scheduled service date range.

Estimated Crew Hours

Displays the total number of hours scheduled to perform services for the given branch during the scheduled service date range.



Report Totals


The report provides the following totals information:

    Total Scheduled Services for the date range specified

    Total Estimated Crew Hours for the date range specified