BI Tool Header Icons


The header icons are as follows:


Icon Name



Clicking this icon expands and collapses the Report Listing



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Refresh Report

Clicking this icon updates information or applies edits to the report currently shown. Any changes made are not automatically saved which allows the information to be manipulated without worry. To save the changes, be sure to save.


Clicking on the icon will display the following menu options. Only users with administrative permissions will have the Administration menu option.

Public Reports

Choose Public Reports to access the Public Reports Menu Editor, where you add folders, edit folder names, and arrange the order of the folders located under Public Reports in the Report Listing. To edit the Public Reports folder, a user must have Administrator access set in their profile. For further details and how to use the Public Reports Menu Editor, refer to BI Tool My Reports and Public Reports.

My Reports

Choose My Reports to access the My Reports Menu Editor. This is where you add folders, edit folder names, and arrange the order the folders located under My Reports in the Report Listing. For further details and how to use the Public Reports Menu Editor, refer to BI Tool My Reports and Public Reports.


Administrators will have this Administration subcategory menu. Choose Administration to access: Users, Data Sources and Defaults, and Color Themes.  For further details and how to use the Administration options, refer to BI Tool Administration.


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Clicking on the icon will display the following menu options:


Choose Delete to delete the report currently in use. To delete a different report, click that report in the Report Listing to open that report, then click delete.

Set as Default

Choose Set as Default to make the report currently in use the “default” report. The Default report is the report that will show after logging in. If no report is set as the Default, the report in use when you logged off will be the report that will show once logged in.


Choose Snapshot to create a PDF file of just the first page of the report in use.

Export All

Choose Export All to create a PDF file of the entire report that is in use. Note that second and third levels, if set under Data Sources, will not be included in exports.

A picture containing logo

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Add Report

Clicking this icon will start the process to create a new report.

A picture containing text, device, gauge

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Edit Report

Clicking this icon will go to the Dashboard/Report Edit screen where you can edit properties and Data Source options. Edits are only saved with the checkmark is clicked on the Dashboard/Report Edit screen. Click the X to exit without saving any changes.

Log off

Clicking this icon will log the user out of the BI Tool.