vOrderInformation Data View


This view allows you to access general move data for an Order Information record.


The following table lists the data available through this view and in the order in which they display. Please refer to the following for field descriptions:

Account Profile


Billing Information

Move Information

Name, Address, Phone




Use the Order ID reference to connect to related table data.

Only records with an Order Number display in this view; no leads or estimates display.

Orders with a MSS Order Status (see Order Status Setup) of “Cancelled,” “Voided,” or “Will Advise” do not show in this view.

This view requires the vRetainedRevenue Data View.



Fields included in this view

Order ID

Order Number

Order Branch

Shipper Last Name

Shipper First Name

Order Status

Estimate Number

Transportation (Trans) Coordinator

Sales Person

Lead Source

Logistics (Logis) Coordinator

Origin City

Origin State

Origin Zip

Origin Country

Destination City

Destination State

Destination Zip

Destination Country

Early Pack Date

Late Pack Date

Early Load Date

Late Load Date

Actual Load Date

Early Delivery Date

Late Delivery Date

Actual Delivery Date

Book Date

Created Date



Type of Move


Authority Type

Booking Agent


Origin Agent


Hauling Agent

Destination Agent


OA Coordinator




Survey Date

National Account


Purchase Order

Estimate Amount

Actual Amount

Revenue Clerk

Billed Date

Account Profile

Company Revenue

Total Commission Paid

Third Party Expenses

Retained Revenue

Customer Number

Customer Name



Account Profile


Billing Information

Move Information

Name, Address, Phone

vCustomerInformation Data View

vRetainedRevenue Data View