SIRVA North American Van Line Statement Format


The following table lists the anticipated fields imported from SIRVA North American. This format is referenced for the STI Statement option from within the Import Menu.


See SIRVA STS Integration Setup and Administration for information on enabling this functionality


Statement Field

Starting Field Location (Size)

Field Description


1 (8)

Order Number in MoversSuite


9 (17)

Customer name or line item description

Actual Weight

30 (5)

Weight associated to the item (NOT USED)


35 (4)

Miles associated to the item (NOT USED)


39 (4)

Tariff or rate of the item (NOT USED)

Commission Percentage

43 (3)

Percentage (as NN.N) for commission


47 (4)

Agency of the payment or charge used to identify the correct branch


53 (7)

This amount will be used for the payment or charge if the Commission Amount is zero.

Debit/Credit Indicator

60 (1)

Item is a credit if this field contains a C, 2, 4, 7, 8, or 9 or is a debit if it is D or 3.

Service (Type) Code

62 (2)

Accounting code for the item. Must match to an Item Code in MoversSuite.

Transaction Code

64 (4)

Process identifier from North American.

Commission Amount

73 (7)

This amount will be referenced for the payment or charge item if this amount is not zero, otherwise the Amount field (above) will be used.

If the Commission Amount placed beginning in position 73 is zero, then a second Amount is pull from position 53 for the Commission Amount.


81 (1)

Journal flag (NOT USED)




Import Menu

Payment Management

Payment Management Setup and Administration

SIRVA STS Integration Setup and Administration

SIRVA North American Van Line Statement Format

Statement Import Process

Statement Imports