Shipping Information


Shipping Information provides a means of documenting all the details of an international shipment including transportation sources, service providers, port data, shipping dates, etc.  This tab is available through the International Orders module.


Figure 2: Shipping Information tab



Technical Field and Function Information


Described in the following table are the fields and functions available within the Shipping Information.




Transport Mode

Select the mode that will carry the shipment from those defined within Transportation Mode Setup


Note: The mode selected will affect the Carrier, Consolidator, Origin Port, and Booking Number/HAWB settings.


Setting the Type of Transportation Mode to “Sea” or “Air” affects other fields within Shipping Information. A warning confirmation will appear when the Type value is changed.  Choosing “Yes” confirms the requested change and deletes any data based on the former type, such as that which is set within the Other Information and Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information sections.


Select the direction in which the shipment is heading as defined within the Direction Setup.

Service Type

Select the type of movement expected on the order from the list of those defined within Service Type Setup (International Orders).

Forms (Alt+O)

Opens a drop-down menu allowing a user to select and display specific international documents and forms.  

Refer to International Orders Forms and Quotes for more information.

Service Provider


Specify the providers assigned to the shipment.  For each provider type (agent, carrier, consolidator, and customs agent), you can utilize the following functions:


Opens an advanced search screen for the specified provider type, either Agent Find, Carrier Find, Consolidator Find or Customs Agent Find opens to assist you in locating the correct record.


View additional information on the selected provider record through a read-only dialog. either Agent Information, Carrier Information, Consolidator Information or Customs Agent Information opens displaying additional information on the provider.


Open a new email message for a selected contact. Clicking on this icon opens a menu listing all contacts for the provider that have an email address associated to their record. The primary contact displays on top of the list. Once a contact is selected, the application opens a new mail message window. Contact records are established within Agent Setup, Carrier Setup (International Orders), Consolidator Setup or Customs Agent Setup.


Forwarding Agent

Document the agent responsible for forwarding on the order by choosing one from the list defined within Agent Setup. Utilize the Agent Find and Agent Information to assist you in making your selection.

Origin Agent


Select the agent at shipment origination from the list of records defined within Agent Setup using the drop-down menu or Agent Find.  This setting defaults to the Origin Agent set within Agents

Users can view more information pertaining to the selected agent through the Agent Information screen.


Select the company that is responsible for combining shipments from the list of those defined within Consolidator Setup using the drop-down menu or Consolidator Find based on the selected Transport Mode. The drop-down menu includes the Name, Address, City, State, and Country of the available consolidator records.

Destination Linehaul Carrier

Select the carrier providing transportation services at the destination of the shipment from the list of those defined in Linehaul Carrier Setup using the drop-down menu or Linehaul Carrier Find.

This carrier is responsible for taking the shipment from the port to the Destination Agent.

View additional information on the selected carrier through the Linehaul Carrier Information screen.


Overland Carrier

Select the company providing transportation services from the list of those defined within Carrier Setup (International Orders) using the drop-down menu or Carrier Find based on the selected Transport Mode.


Overland Carrier

If the Transportation Mode is Overland, then this field displays the option to provide an Overland Carrier (up to 64 characters).

Origin Linehaul Agent

Select the agent at shipment origination that is providing the linehaul from the list of records defined in Linehaul Carrier Setup using the drop-down menu or Linehaul Carrier Find.

This carrier is responsible for taking the shipment from the Origin Agent to the port.

Customs Agent

Select the government agent responsible for enforcing customs regulations from those defined within Customs Agent Setup using the drop-down menu or Customs Agent Find based on the selected Transport Mode.

Destination Agent

Select the agent responsible for receiving the shipment from the list of records defined in Agent Setup using the drop-down menu or Agent Find.

Users can view more information pertaining to the selected agent through the Agent Information screen.


Origin Port

Select the port at which the shipment is received by the carrier from the shipper of the order. When you add the first leg of the Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information, the application defaults the Origin Port of the first leg to what is set for this field. Also, if the Origin Port of the first leg is set, then this field updates to reflect the vessel/voyage or flight leg.

Define the records available to this field within Port Setup and depends on the Transport Mode.

Inland Port of Departure

Select the port identified as for an inland departure. Choose the port available from the list defined within Port Setup for the chosen Transportation Mode.

Inland Port of Arrival

Select the port identified as for an inland arrival. Choose the port available from the list defined within Port Setup for the chosen Transportation Mode.

Booking Number

Seaway Bill


If the Transportation Mode is a type associated to Sea travel, then you have the options to enter a Booking Number information and Seaway Bill. Pressing  opens the Pickup/Delivery Information screen allowing you to enter the Booking Number and other information on the shipment, including transit, pickup, and delivery information.

You also have the option of entering a Seaway Bill number (up to 32 characters).


Airway Bill

If the Transportation Mode is a type associated to Air travel, then you have the options to enter the House Airway Bill (HAWB) and Airway Bill (AWB) (each up to 32 characters in length). Pressing  opens the Pickup/Delivery Information screen allowing you to enter the HAWB and other information on the shipment, including transit, pickup, and delivery information.

Consign BOL

Use the Bill of Lading Consignee screen () to set the consignee data for this order.

Security Filing Confirmation

Provide the confirmation identify for the security filing on the shipment (up to 32 characters).


Financial Information

Use the Financial Information screen to document specifics on financial services applied to the shipment, including a Global Protection Plan.

Customs Inspection Reports

Use the Customs Inspection Reports screen to document customs inspection, including inspection dates, location, and results.

Status Dates

See Date Fields for entry information for the following date fields.

O/A Papers Received

Enter the date the origin agent papers were received in this field.

Pre-Alert Sent

Enter the sending date of the pre-alert.

Waybill Sent

Enter or select the date the shipping details were sent.

Delivery Status Sent

Enter or select the date the delivery status was sent.

O/A Papers Sent

Enter the sending date of the origin agent papers were sent.

Shipping Detail Sent

Enter the date the shipping details were sent.

Documents Printed

Enter or select the date the documents were printed on.

Brokerage Collected

Enter or select the date the brokerage was collected on.

Shipping Dates

Use the Shipping Dates section to enter estimated and actual dates for the different phases of an international shipment.

Most of these dates are Task Dependency Dates fields.

See Date Fields for entry information for the following date fields.


Enter the estimated and actual dates that packing occurred in these fields. 

The application retrieves the Estimated and Actual dates from the Pack Dates set within Move Information.


Enter the estimated and actual dates that the shipment was loaded.

The application retrieves the Estimated and Actual dates from the Load Dates set within Move Information.

Ready to Go

Enter the estimated and actual dates the goods were available for shipping.

Origin Port Arrival

Enter the estimated and actual dates that the shipment arrives at the origin port.

Origin Cleared Customs

Date the shipment cleared or will clear customs at the origin port.

Origin Port Departure

These fields display the ETD and Departure dates set for the first Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information record, denoting the estimated and actual departure date of the shipment.

Destination Port Arrival

These fields display the ETA and Arrival dates set for the last Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information record, denoting the estimated and actual arrival date of the shipment.

Dest Cleared Customs

Date the shipment cleared or will clear customs at the destination port.

Port of Sailing Cut-Off

Provide the cutoff date for sailing from the port (Actual date only).

Inland Departure Cut-Off

Provide the cutoff date for inland departures (Actual date only).

Inland Departure Date

Enter the date of the inland departure.

Inland Arrival Date

Enter the date of inland arrival.

Pickup Destination Port

Enter or select the estimated and actual dates that the shipment is picked up at the destination port.

Arrival at Destination

Enter the estimated and actual dates that the shipment arrives at the destination port.


Enter the estimated and actual dates that the shipment is delivered.

The application retrieves the Estimated and Actual dates from the Delivery Dates set within Move Information.

Delivery to Perm Storage

Provide the date that the shipment was delivered to permanent storage.

Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information

See Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information for more information.




Task Dependency Dates

UniGroup International