Forms Designer Templates


Utilize the Forms Designer Templates window to add, edit, and remove document templates. Access this window through Forms Designer option through the Tools Menu.


Figure 14: Forms Designer Templates screen


Note: user must have appropriate security to the Forms Designer module (Security Profile Setup) to see Forms Designer Templates option.



Using Forms Designer Templates


The Forms Designer Templates window allows you to create, view, and manage all active letter templates existing on your system.




Create new templates by through the New Template or the Duplicate buttons or by selecting letter to import. All three functions open the Forms Designer Template Properties dialog allowing you to set the properties for the new template.


Figure 15: Forms Designer Template Properties


Set the properties according to your needs. View the Forms Designer Template Properties topic for details.




If your company has templates based on old-style Bookmarks files (Report Type of “Letters”), then use the Import from Existing Lettter selector to open and convert an existing file to the new-style

Forms Designer Bookmarks template. The system prompts you to provide Forms Designer Template Properties. Refer to the Import from Existing Letter description in the Layout, Fields, and Functions section below for more information. Of note, importing an existing Letter does not remove the Report Profile association to personnel records, therefore this imported/converted template is immediately available to users.


Enter the necessary information and press OK. Refer to Forms Designer Template Properties for details on each field.


Once OK is pressed, the application brings up the Letter Designer, allowing you to create a new template.



To change template properties, such as the Name, System Location, etc., access the document through the Report Setup.



To edit an existing template, select the item in the data grid and press the Edit Document button. This also opens the Letter Designer.


In order for MoversSuite users to access the document, administrators must assign the document template to personnel through the Report Profile setting within their Personnel Setup record.


If you need to update the name, document type, and other properties of the template, you can do so through the Edit Properties option. This opens the Forms Designer Template Properties dialog for editing.



Importing and Exporting


All Forms Designer templates are stored internally within the MoversSuite database. So, once you have a template open within the Letter Designer, you have two File options available to you. One option allows you to import the text from an external file directly into the body of an open template. A second option allows you to save the text of a template to an external file. Refer to the Letter Designer topic for information on importing and exporting the body of a template.


Figure 16: File menu within Letter Designer



NOTE: Format Issues with Imported Files

If you encounter formatting issues related to your imported document, you may need to clean up some items before the import. Refer to the Import from Existing Letter description in the table below for details on cleaning up your documents prior to importing into Forms Designer.



Layout, Fields, and Functions


The following table lists the fields and functions available within the Forms Designer Templates window.




New Template

Press this button to create a new, blank document template. This opens the Forms Designer Template Properties dialog allowing you to set document properties, which in turn opens the Letter Designer.

Import from Existing Letter

This option allows you to select a file defined with a Report Type of “Letter” (defined in Report Setup) and convert it to a Forms Designer template.

All old-style bookmarks that reference a phone number extension are not supported in the Forms Designer system and therefore not converted when documents import. Old-style Bookmarks not supported include the following:





Note that the phone extension is now included within the phone numbers of any Forms Designer Bookmarks. For example, the old-style coordphoneext bookmark references the phone number extension of the Transportation Coordinator. The extension is included in the new-style Transportation Coordinator Work Phone (Insert Bookmark) instead of being a separate bookmark reference.


Certain Microsoft Word attributes do not transfer well to Forms Designer documents. The following is a list of known items to clean up in your original documents prior to importing:

      Remove negative indentation

      Replace all text boxes with a table

      Clean up bookmarks (as noted above)



The name assigned to the letter through Forms Designer Template Properties and/or through Report Setup displays.

Created On

The date and time the document was added to MoversSuite

Created By

The MoversSuite user that created the document

Last Edited

The date and time the document was last edited through Forms Designer Templates

Last Edited By

The MoversSuite user that updated the document


The name of the Report Group assigned to the document through Forms Designer Template Properties and/or through Report Setup displays.

Document Type

The type of document assigned to the document through Forms Designer Template Properties and/or through Report Setup displays.

System Location

If the document evokes through a particular MoversSuite function or button, then that information displays here. Set the System Location for a document through Forms Designer Template Properties and/or through Report Setup displays.

Refer to Report System Location for a listing of available locations.

Times Used

This column displays the number of times the template was referenced to generate a document (report) within MoversSuite.


Copy and update an existing template using this function. Pressing Duplicate opens the Forms Designer Template Properties where you can edit the properties, such as pick a new name, and then access the Letter Designer to edit the new document.

Note: The new template generated through the Duplicate function must be added to the to Report Profile Setup to grant user access.


Remove the selected document by pressing Delete. You receive a prompt to confirm the deletion.

Edit Document

Opens the Letter Designer for the selected record allowing you to update the text of template.

Edit Properties

Opens the Forms Designer Template Properties for the selected document from which you can update the Name, System Location, Report Group, and Document Type of the template.


Press this button to close the window.