Cash Receipts Apply Process


The following table lists the process recommended to apply a batch imported from Cash Receipts.





Open Payment Management


Select a batch imported from Cash Receipts from within Batch Management.  The initial batch Status will be “System.”

Cash Receipts batches contain only detail records for positive payment amounts (Payment Code of “Receivables”).


View the Deposit Statement Report by pressing the Deposit Report button and compare the amount of the deposit to the amount received for the batch.


IMPORTANT: Users will need void and correct a batch before they begin processing it; correct missing and incorrect entries before processing, since they will be unable to once the batch is “In Process.”


After deposit amount verification, press Details to open the Statement Detail screen.


Update the statement details by enter funds deposit date in Wire/Journal Date, entering the amount of the deposit in Control Amount, and selecting the appropriate GL account for the Cash/Clearing Account.


After statement updates, initiate the apply process by pressing Apply (or double-clicking the batch).  The Payment Application will open.


Verify that all cash receipts payments apply to an Order Number or GL account and NOT against a Cash Receipt Number.


Set amounts for Unapplied Cash and/or GL Account Allocation for the specified Amount. Refer to the Unapplied Amount and Journal Entry sections within the Payment Application topic.


Once the payment is fully applied, press Generate Transactions to creating accounting transactions for the payment.  The batch will show with a Status of “Posted” in Batch Management; use Show All option to make it visible.