Microsoft Dynamics GP Custom Integration


MoversSuite integrates with Microsoft Dynamics GP to provide accounting and financials for moving companies. Along with this integration is custom changes needed to enhance the exchange of data.  MoversSuite provides a product called ATIP that provides this customizable interchange between MoversSuite and Microsoft Dynamics GP.


The following customizable interchanges between MoversSuite and Microsoft Dynamics GP are available through MoversSuite ATIP.



ATIP Product


Advanced Interfund

Keep track of what each segment owes each other segment, instead of just a net +/- overall. Further, you can choose the segment that corresponds to your branches in the GL.

Checkbook Setup

Allows you to select multiple invoices for multiple branches during the select checks process.


Keep track of what one segment owes another. Unlike the Advanced Interfund, which tracks multiple segments to multiple segments, this program tracks on a one to one segment basis.

Select Payables Checks Process

Provides the ability to select by branches associated by default on the checkbook batch.