Address Types


The following table describes the available Address Type values that associate to a Branch Setup or Van Line Setup detail address record. Functions within MoversSuite, such as Invoicing, reference specific address types. Please make sure that at least one “Default” type is defined.


NOTE: A single, default address will be referenced by MoversSuite if other requested Address Types are not set up; if desired, only a Default address will need to be defined.


Address Type



MoversSuite will attempt to locate Address Types as requested by the specific functionality, such as Invoice Header when generating invoices, and if it sees that particular type is not set then it will use data from the Default.

Invoice Header

This address information will display in the header section of invoices generated for this branch.  This will be the default address for the Header field within the New Complete Invoice & Supplemental Invoice screen and when generating quotes and storage billing invoices, etc.

Payment Remittance

This address information will display in the remittance section of invoices generated for this branch.  Remittance is typically to a lock box or post office box location.  Specifically, users will select this will be the default address retrieved for the Remit-To field within the New Complete Invoice screen, however, the application will reference this type internally when generating quotes and storage billing invoices, etc.


The following three types are not used on standard MoversSuite documents but are available for custom reports and documents.


Enter the physical address for the branch.


Enter the address information for the location of branch services.

Shipping Correspondence

Enter the address information where branch shipping correspondence should be directed.