Version 2023 R05 Fixes

This section lists the fixes made to MoversSuite.


Administration: Personnel


Password fields are mandatory when a User ID is set within Personnel Setup.


Required fields are outlined in red. When entering information on the User, Web User, or Mobile User tabs, for example, the Password field was not being shown outlined in red and was appearing to be not mandatory. As this field is mandatory, this fix now outlines the Password field once the User ID has been set. If you have a User ID, you must have a password.  


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 5: The Password is noted as mandatory (outlined in red) once the User ID field is set






Administration: ADP Integration


A more helpful error message appears when a duplicate XML System Payroll Account Map is attempted to be added.


Within ADP Integration Setup, the XML System Payroll Account Map throws an error when attempting to add a duplicated XML System Payroll Account Map. This crazy error message appeared:



Now, the error still occurs but this more understandable – and helpful – message appears alerting the problem:



Usually, this error appears when using the same Employee Labor Type for a Time Punch Employee. Remember XML System Payroll Account map needs to have at least one field that is different to be considered unique and therefore be able to save the map.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 6: The Edit XML System Payroll Account Map



ADP Integration Setup






BI Tool


When creating a report within the BI Tool, First Name and Last Name filters will return results, even if a First Name is not set.


This glitch was noticed within the Claims Analysis View where the Liable Person was a company and the company name was entered as the Last Name. The First Name field was not set. When First Name and Last Name were used as filters when creating the Claims Analysis view, the BI Tool did not have anything to filter for First Name; therefore, the results from the view returned <none>.


With this fix, the BI Tool now recognizes just the use of just the Last Name field, even if First Name and Last Name filters are used and return results correctly.


