User Details List Report

This report lists all active users defined with a user access record within the User tab in Personnel Setup, i.e. all users that can log into MoversSuite.






Branch ID

Select (All branches) to include all branches, or select branches individually from the drop-down list and optionally select <none> to include users that have no branch assignment.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report is grouped by Branch and then by Status.


Header Information


Header data includes the following (data pulled from Branch Setup):

    (Branch ID)

    Branch Description

    Total Defined Users for the Branch


Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items (data pulled from Personnel Setup):

    User Name

    Report Profile

    Security Profile

    Labor Type

    User ID

    Last Logged In


Report Totals


Total define users for all branches displays as “Total Users” with the report title.