Schema Changes Version 2018R19


The following table lists changes made to the MoversSuite database for this release.





Added ModelNumber. New column storing the value added through the Model Number field within Shipment Information (up to 20 characters). (5001)

Added SerialNumber. New column storing the value added through the Serial Number field within Shipment Information (up to 32 characters). (5001)

Added IsAutoFilledDescription. New column storing the flag set through the Auto Fill Description field within Shipment Information. (5001)

Removed SequenceNumber. Moved to the new SCShippingDetailVanline table. (5001)


New table storing the imported data from a van line order as viewed through the From Van Line tab within the Shipment Information screen. This new table stores the same information from the SCShippingDetails table prior to the 2018 R19 release. (5001)


View MoversSuite Database Tables (2018R19)