Schema Changes Version 2018R13


The following table lists changes made to the MoversSuite database for this release.






Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the BillingMajorItem.RateSource. (4944)


Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the BillingMinorItem.RateSource. (4944)


Added InternationalConsolidatorFID. New internal field storing the link between an address set within the Pickup/Delivery Information screen that connects with a Consolidator Setup record. This connection occurs only when the address is set or updated by an import/export process, such as through an UniGroup International Upload. (5055)

Added InternationalPortFID. New internal field storing the link between an address set within the Pickup/Delivery Information screen that connects with a Port Setup record. This connection occurs only when the address is set or updated by an import/export process, such as through an UniGroup International Upload. (5055)


Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the InvoiceDetail.RateSource. (4944)


Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the InvoiceGroup.RateSource. (4944)


Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the QuoteDetail.RateSource. (4944)


Added RateSource. New internal field storing the type of rating information referenced by the billing item (up to 50 characters). The source can be one of two types: Rates to indicate that the rating information pulls from a Rate Plan Setup detail record or RateMatrixRates to indicate that the data pulls from a Rate Matrix Setup record. (4944)

Added RateSourceRecord. New internal field storing the primary table identifier to either the Rates or the RateMatrix table based on the QuoteGroup.RateSource. (4944)


New administrative table storing the mapping records established through the Interface Item section within Port Setup. (5055)


View MoversSuite Database Tables (2018R13)