Schema Changes Version 2017R03


The following table lists changes made to the MoversSuite database for this release.





Added OTAfter8Hours. New administrative flag that indicates if a person works more than eight hours for all services on a given day that any amount of time after the eight hours is automatically overtime. This data stores the value set for the Regular time over 8 hours rated as OT flag within Rate Schedule for Labor. (8604)


Added CrewTimeForCrewLeadOnly. New flag indicating that a person must be a lead to be able to update the crew time on a service. This flag corresponds to the Crew Time for Crew Lead Only setting within Mobile Api Setup. (8529)


Added Note. New field storing a note set for a plan through the Manage Operational Plan dialog. You can enter up to 1,024 characters in this note setting. (8212)


Added IsFromMobileApi. New flag indicating that the service quantity is associated to a MoversSuiteCrew Mobile Application user. (8529)


Added IsFromMobileApi. New flag indicating that the service times are associated to a MoversSuiteCrew Mobile Application user. (8529)


Added MoversSuiteSyncDate. New field storing the date that the Personnel Profile Picture Setup record was synchronized with the device of the MoversSuiteCrew Mobile Application user. (8529)

Added DateModified. Date and time that the Personnel Profile Picture Setup record was last modified. (8529)


View MoversSuite Database Tables (2017R03)