Service Code Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial Services > Service Code


Service Code records provide two general functions: (1) allows payments and charges applied to a service to apply to any associated item code; and (2) used to cross-reference imported items from an external application, such van line; they are the distribution codes of a van line.


Service codes represent a group of item codes allowing a single service code to process a payment or charge using any item code associated to an order.  When a payment is processed using a service code representing a booking commission, for example, then any item code associated to the order that is also linked to a that particular service code through this setup will qualify to generate transaction for the booking commission.  Users will reference service codes in this capacity in Payment Management and Revenue Entry.


When importing records from an external application, MoversSuite uses Service Code Setup records to identify the type of transaction coming in and to associate it to an item code through Item Code Setup.  Statement imports into Revenue Entry reference service codes.  Service codes represent van line distribution codes and those entered in Service Code Setup must match those, including leading zeros, to those of the van line.


Refer to the Revenue Group Details Report for a listing of all defined revenue groups along with the item codes and service codes associated to them.


Reference the data in the following table when managing setup records. 




Service Code

Enter the code referenced by an external application (up to 4 characters).  MoversSuite cross-references codes in this table to those of records imported into Revenue Entry.  Enter distribution codes exactly as the van line will recognize them, i.e. include alphanumeric characters and leading zeros.


NOTE: Duplicate Service Code values may result in duplicate distributions within the Apply by Service dialog.  Please verify that each Service Code is unique.


Link Service Code values to MoversSuite billing codes through Item Code Setup (see VL Service Code field description).


NOTE: Prior to MoversSuite Version 2018 R12, the Service Code length could be up to 10 characters. If you are looking for an older referenced Service Code and cannot locate it, please check the ServiceCode.OldServiceCode column for matches within your MoversSuite SQL Database. This column stores all Service Codes in use prior to 2018 R12.



Enter a title for the service code (up to 16 characters).  The title entered here will need to resemble the group of item codes it represents and/or the description of services imported into MoversSuite.



Item Code Setup

Payment Management

Revenue Entry

Revenue Group Details Report

Revenue Group Setup