North American HHG BOL and Freight Bill (Moving Services Contract) Form

This supplies the data for a standard, form-fed North American document.


Menu Name: NA HHG BOL and Freight Bill

Source File:  NA_NATEX.rpt







Order Number

Enter the Order Number to have data provided for.


Report Details


Report Grouping


There is no grouping in effect.


Header Information


No header information displays.


Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items:



    Actual Load Date

    Order Number


    Origin Information (City, County, State, Zip, Home Phone)

    Destination Information (City, County, State, Zip, Home Phone)

    Estimated Packing Date Spread

    Estimated Load Date Spread

    Estimated Delivery Date Spread

    Booking Agent Name and ID

    Origin Agent Name and ID

    Destination Agent Name and ID


Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.