Graph type: Pie / Donut


If you set a date column as a Pivot Field, then you can choose Auto / Year / Quarter / Month / Aging in Granularity By.


Aging will allow the user to set Boundaries, Inverse Colors and will give them ability to setup a Legend shown to the right of the chart. The available options are as follows:


§ None - Only shows chart.


§ Simple - Shows chart and descriptions.


§ Include Amount - Shows chart, description, and amount.


§ Include Percentage - Shows chart, description, and percentage.


§ Full Detail - Shows chart, description, amount, and percentage.


Top right corner has a Color Themes icon , this will allow the user to choose or customize a theme for this report/dashboard. Please refer to the Color Themes section to learn how to use this feature.





The resulting chart will look like this for Full Detail.