Employee Commission Plans Report

This report lists all employees with a commission plan, grouped by commission plan or labor type.  An employee may list more than once if they have more than one user-ID.







Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Group by

Select Labor Type or Commission Plan for a value to group records on.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by either Labor Type or Commission Plan, depending on the value entered for the Group by parameter.


Header Information


The header displays the count of Employees associated to the listed Commission Plan or Labor Type (depending on which “Group by” option is selected).


Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed item:


    Vendor ID

    Labor Type / Commission Plan

    Starting and Ending Effective Date range of the plan


Report Totals


The report displays the number of commissionable employees per Labor Type or Commission Plan.  A total of all commissionable employees displays near the end of the report.



Commission Plan Details Report