Document Type Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Document Management > Document Type


Define types of documents referenced within Document Management.  Users attach a document type to files attached to an order through the Document Type field in Properties and Attach File screens.


The following table describes the fields used to manage Document Types.



A user will be unable to delete Document Type records associated to a record, i.e. in use and linked to a MoversSuite order.





Document Group

Select a group from the list defined within Document Group Setup that this document type will list under within the Document Management Viewer.  For example, a company may choose to place Document Types for “BOL” and “Work Ticket” under a group titled “Move Documents,” while an email may list under the “Correspondence” group.


Enter values available within the Document Type field in the Properties and Attach File screens (up to 10-characters).  The type identifies the general characteristic of the file, such as BOL, Email, Letters, Work Ticket, Inventory, etc.

MoversSuite provides the following default types:

BOL (Bill of Lading)

Confirm (Confirmation Letter)







ThankYou (Thank You Letter)




Enter a more detailed description of the document type (up to 64-characters).  This will be the default description for the type and will display next to documents attached to an order within the Document Management Viewer.


Note: A user can overwrite this description when attaching files or updating document properties.


TransDocs Integration Note: MoversSuite recommends using a carrot symbol “(^)” to represent a type available to upload and download from TransDocs, a letter “(v)” to represent only a download type, and no special character to indicate that the type is not part of the data exchange with TransDocs.  For example, TransDocs supports uploading and downloading of Bill of Lading documents, therefore a Description of “Bill of Lading (^)” would indicate this to users.


Does this type include Work Tickets?

When this flag is set for a Document Type, the Work Ticket Number selector will become visible as a required field within the Document Management Viewer.

Interface Item


Use this section to link the make record to an external system that may be required for exchanging data between disparate systems. 

For TransDocs Integration:

Enter TransDocs support External Code values here that map to the UniGroup Interface.  Types linked here will be uploaded and downloaded between MoversSuite and TransDocs automatically.


Select a value from the list defined within XML Interface Setup

External Code

Enter a code supported by the Interface for exchanging data with MoversSuite (up to 16 characters).