Add Order to Trip


The Add Order to Trip screen allows a user to assign an order to a particular trip.  Access to this dialog is through the Add Order button on the Current Driver Activity tab.


Figure 10: Add Order to Trip screen


Described below are the fields and functions of the Add Order to Trip screen.




Add Order Number

Users can select an order from the list of those retrieved from a recent Find or recently added foreign orders.

See Orders tab for information on the Find and see Add Foreign Order for details on adding a new foreign order to MoversSuite through the New button.


Note: “[A]” displays next to the Order Number when the order has been archived. See Order Archive for more information.


Moving From

This section displays the origin location.  This data can be updated with appropriate access through the Move Information tab.

Moving To

This section displays the destination location.  This data can be updated with appropriate access through the Move Information tab.

To Trip Number

Users can choose a trip number to assign to the specified order using this field.  The values that display will be the trips already established for the driver.

Save (Alt+S)

Pressing Save will add the selected Order Number to the specified trip and close the dialog.

Cancel (Alt+C)

Cancel will dismiss the order to trip assignment and close the dialog.