Stored Procedures [arvy].[GetLocalDispatchByDateAndBranch]
ANSI Nulls OnYes
Quoted Identifier OnYes
NameData TypeMax Length (Bytes)
TypeActionOwning Principal
SQL Script

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [arvy].[GetLocalDispatchByDateBranch] Script Date: 08/26/2024 11:30:00 AM ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [arvy].[GetLocalDispatchByDateAndBranch]
    @inBeginServiceDate DATETIME,
    @inEndServiceDate DATETIME,
    @inBranchID INT,
    @inPageNo INT,
    @RowsPerPage INT,
    @inDynamicWhere NVARCHAR(4000),
    @inComIdentity NVARCHAR(64)


    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(2000);

    SET @ParmDefinition = N' @inBeginServiceDate DATETIME, @inEndServiceDate DATETIME, @inBranchID INT, @inPageNo INT, @RowsPerPage INT'

    IF( @inDynamicWhere IS NULL OR LEN(LTRIM(@inDynamicWhere)) <= 0 )
        SET @inDynamicWhere = ' WHERE 1=1 ';
    IF (@inDynamicWhere LIKE '%UPDATE %' OR @inDynamicWhere LIKE '%TRUNCATE %' OR @inDynamicWhere LIKE '%DROP %' OR @inDynamicWhere
                        LIKE '%DELETE %' OR @inDynamicWhere  LIKE '%INFORMATION_SCHEMA%' OR @inDynamicWhere  LIKE '%SELECT %')
        -- Stop Execution        
        SET NOEXEC ON;

        IF @inComIdentity IN ('68AC92CF-AEA3-4719-A09E-C34AFBCCD806', '2AA858AA-D32A-41B5-91B1-F6B409C28D9D')
        DECLARE @STATUS_DISPATCHED VARCHAR(50), @theOriginHomeTypeID INT; DECLARE @theOriginWorkTypeID INT, @theDestinationHomeTypeID INT, @theDestinationWorkTypeID INT;
        DECLARE @theAddressTypeID INT, @theOriginAddressType INT, @theDestinationAddressType INT, @theMovingToAddressType INT, @theVoidStatusID INT;
        DECLARE @theLocServPriKeys TABLE ( LocServID int, HasCPU int ); DECLARE @theCommonBranches TABLE ( BranchID INT, ServiceBranch VARCHAR(50) );

        set @STATUS_RESERVED = ''Reserved'' ;
        set @STATUS_BOOKED = ''Booked'';
        set @STATUS_CLEARED = ''Cleared'';
        set @STATUS_DISPATCHED = ''Dispatched'';
        set @theOriginHomeTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Origin Home'' );
        set @theOriginWorkTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Origin Work'' );
        set @theDestinationHomeTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Destination Home'' );
        set @theDestinationWorkTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Destination Work'' );

        insert into @theLocServPriKeys ( LocServID, HasCPU )
        select LocServ.PriKey, 0
        from LocServ
        left outer join LSStatus on LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        where convert( datetime, convert( varchar, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) >= convert( datetime, convert( varchar, @inBeginServiceDate, 101 ) )
        and convert( datetime, convert( varchar, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) <= convert( datetime, convert( varchar, @inEndServiceDate, 101 ) )

        update @theLocServPriKeys set HasCPU = 1
        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        inner join LSMaterial on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSMaterial.LocServPriKey and LSMaterial.EstQuantity > 0;
        update @theLocServPriKeys set HasCPU = 1
        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        inner join LSCrates  on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSCrates.LSPriKey and LSCrates.Quantity > 0 where theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU = 0;
        insert into @theCommonBranches( BranchID, ServiceBranch )
        select BranchID = Branch_Common.BranchPrikey,   ServiceBranch = Branch_Common.BranchID
        from Branch Branch_Given
        inner join Branch Branch_Common on  ( Branch_Common.BranchPriKey = Branch_Given.BranchPriKey or ( Branch_Common.CommonView = Branch_Given.CommonView and
        isnull( Branch_Given.CommonView, '''' ) != '''' ) )
        where Branch_Given.BranchPriKey = @inBranchID
        set @theAddressTypeID = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Main'' ) ;
        set @theOriginAddressType =( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Origin'' ) ;
        set @theDestinationAddressType = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Destination'' ) ;
        set @theMovingToAddressType = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''MovingTo'') ;
        set @theVoidStatusID = ( select PriKey from LSStatus where [Status] = ''Void'' ) ;

        Select * from (
        LocServ.Prikey as LocServID,
        LocServ.ServiceDate as ServiceDate,
        dbo.FormatLastNameFirstName( Orders.LastName, Orders.FirstName ) as ShipperName,
        case Orders.Archived
            when 1 then Orders.ArchivedOrderNo + '' [A]''
            else Orders.OrderNo end as OrderNumber,
        ServType.Service as Service,
        LocServ.Crew as NumberOfCrew,
        LocServ.TotCrewHrs as CrewHours,
        LocServ.JobStart as TimeJobStart,
        LocServ.JobEnd as TimeJobEnd,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.Address1
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.Address1
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.Address1
        end as OriginAddress ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.Address2
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.Address2
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.Address2
        end  as OriginAddress1 ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.City
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.City
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.City
        end as OriginCity ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.State
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.State
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.State
        end as OriginState ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.PostalCode
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
        end as OriginZipCode ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.Address1
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.Address1
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.Address1 end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.Address1
        end as DestinationAddress ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.Address2
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.Address2
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.Address2 end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.Address2
        end as DestinationAddress1 ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.City
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.City
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.City end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.City
        end as DestinationCity ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.State
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null  then DestinationOrderAddress.State
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.State end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.State
        end as DestinationState ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null  then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.PostalCode
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.PostalCode end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
        end as DestinationZipCode,
        Orders.PriKey as OrderID,
        Orders.EstimatedWeight as OrderEstimatedWeight,
        Orders.Weight as OrderWeight,
        LocServ.WkTicketNo as WkTicketNo,
        LSStatus.Status as Status,
        LocServ.OriginDestination as OriginDestination,
            when exists( select OrderNoteDetail.OrderNoteDetailID from OrderNoteDetail where OrderNoteDetail.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey ) then 1
            else 0
        end as NoteAttached ,
        isnull( dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderContainers( Orders.PriKey ), 0 ) as TotalOrderContainers,
        isnull( dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceContainers( LocServ.PriKey ),
        case UnitType.Description
            when ''Cartons'' then LocServ.Quantity
            else 0
        end ) as TotalServiceContainers ,
        dbo.HasLeadAssignedToCrew( LocServ.PriKey ) as CrewHasLead,
        dbo.GetLeadCrewEmail( LocServ.PriKey ) as CrewLeadEmail,
        dbo.GetServiceCrewMemberList( LocServ.PriKey ) as Crew,
        dbo.GetServiceEquipmentList( LocServ.PriKey ) as Equipment,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigHPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrigHPhone.AreaCode, OrigHPhone.LocalNumber ) as FromHomePhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestHPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID,  DestHPhone.AreaCode, DestHPhone.LocalNumber ) as ToHomePhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigWPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrigWPhone.AreaCode, OrigWPhone.LocalNumber ) as FromWorkPhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestWPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, DestWPhone.AreaCode, DestWPhone.LocalNumber ) as ToWorkPhone,
        dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderCrates( Orders.PriKey ) as TotalOrderCrates,
        dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceCrates( LocServ.PriKey ) as TotalServiceCrates,
        LocServ.DispatchStatusFID as DispatchStatusFID,
        dbo.GetShipmentStatus( LocServ.OrdPriKey ) as ShipmentStatus,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Driver.SysUserID, 1 ) as DriverName,
        Orders.VanNum, LocServ.CreatedOn,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.CreatedBy, 1 ) as CreatedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.SubmittedBy, 1 ) as SubmittedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.ClearedBy, 1 ) as ClearedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.LastEditedBy, 1 ) as LastEditedBy,
        MoveType.MoveName as MoveName,
        Orders.MoveType ,
        HaulAgent.AgentID as HaulAgentID,
        HaulAgent.Name as HaulAgentName,
        OrgAgent.AgentID as OriginAgentID,
        OrgAgent.Name as OriginAgentName,
        DestAgent.AgentID as DestinationAgentID,
        DestAgent.Name as DestinationAgentName,
        BookAgent.AgentID as BookAgentID,
        BookAgent.Name as BookAgentName,
        theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU as HasCPU,
        convert( bit, case UnitType.Description when ''Cartons'' then 1 else 0 end ) as UsesContainerUnits,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.Coordinator, 1 ) as CoordinatorName,
        Instruction = dbo.StripLfCrSpaces( LSInstructions.Instruction ),
        isnull( VanLine.VanLineCode, OrderBranchVanLine.VanLineCode ) as OrderOrBranchVanLineCode,
        OperationalPlan.PlanName as OperationalPlan,
        LocServ.Sort1, LocServ.Sort2, LocServ.CrewReportTime,
        LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID as CrewReportLocation ,
        CommType.Commodity as CommodityName,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.LogisticCoordinator, 1 ) as LogisticCoordinator ,
        DOrderInstructions.Instruction as DestSpecialInstruction ,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.SalesPerson, 1 ) as SalesPerson,
        Orders.CubicFeet, Orders.LineHaul ,
        LocServ.HrsPerMan ,
        OOrderInstructions.Instruction as OriginSpecialInstruction,
        Orders.OrderStatus ,
        Orders.FirstName ,
        Orders.LastName ,
        Orders.StartPack ,
        Orders.EndPack ,
        Orders.StartDeliv ,
        Orders.EndDeliv ,
        Orders.CustomerNumber ,
        Orders.PurchaseOrderNo ,
        Orders.ValuationAmount ,
        dbo.GetSumOfOrderCpuEstimates(Orders.PriKey, ''Packing'') AS TotalOrderPackings,
        dbo.GetSumOfOrderCpuEstimates(Orders.PriKey, ''Unpacking'') AS TotalOrderUnpackings,
        PayType.PayName as PaymentType ,
        EquimentsRequested.NumberOfEquiments ,
        ( SELECT LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.LocalServiceEquipmentRequestID, EqType.[Type] AS EquipmentType, EqType.TypeNumber AS EquipmentTypeID,  
            LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.Quantity AS EquipmentQuantity
            FROM EqType
            left outer join LocalServiceEquipmentRequest ON EqType.TypeNumber = LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.EquipmentTypeFID
            AND LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey
            WHERE ISNULL( LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.Quantity, 0 ) > 0 FOR XML PATH )
        AS EquimentsRequestDetails ,
        ( SELECT LocalServiceLaborRequest.LocalServiceLaborRequestID, LaborType.LaborType, LaborType.PriKey AS LaborTypeID, LocalServiceLaborRequest.Quantity AS LaborRequestQuantity
            FROM LaborType
            LEFT OUTER JOIN LocalServiceLaborRequest ON  LaborType.PriKey = LocalServiceLaborRequest.LaborTypeFID
            AND LocalServiceLaborRequest.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey
            WHERE ISNULL( LaborType.IsLocalDispatch, ''N'') = ''Y'' AND ISNULL( LocalServiceLaborRequest.Quantity, 0 ) > 0  FOR XML PATH )
        AS LaborRequestDetails ,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( ONI.ProjectManager, 1 ) as ProjectManager_Name,
                                REPLACE(ONI.ClientNote, CHAR(9), '''')
                                ,CHAR(10), '''')
                            ,CHAR(11), '''')
                        ,CHAR(12), '''')
                    ,CHAR(13), '''')
                ,CHAR(00), '''')
        )) AS ClientNote,

                                REPLACE(ONI.OperationalNote, CHAR(9), '''')
                                ,CHAR(10), '''')
                            ,CHAR(11), '''')
                        ,CHAR(12), '''')
                    ,CHAR(13), '''')
                ,CHAR(00), '''')
        )) AS OperationalNote, as Coordinator_Phone, as SalesPerson_Phone, as LogistiCoordinator_Phone ,
        ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate  
            FROM OrdMaterial  
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = OrdMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID  
            WHERE OrdMaterial.OrdPriKey= Orders.PriKey  
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ORDER BY 1 ASC  
            FOR XML PATH )  AS OrderCPUItems  ,
        ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate
            FROM LSMaterial
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = LSMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID
            WHERE LSMaterial.LocServPriKey= LocServ.PriKey
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ORDER BY 1 ASC
            FOR XML PATH )  AS LocalServiceCPUItems,
        OrderBranch.DOT  As Branch_DOT
        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        join LocServ on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LocServ.PriKey
        join  @theCommonBranches CommonBranches on CommonBranches.BranchID = LocServ.BranchPriKey
        join Orders on Orders.PriKey = LocServ.OrdPriKey
        left outer join VanLine on Orders.VanLineFID = VanLine.VLPriKey
        left outer join Branch as OrderBranch on Orders.BranchPriKey = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        left outer join VanLine as OrderBranchVanLine on OrderBranch.VLPriKey = OrderBranchVanLine.VLPriKey
        left outer join ServType on ServType.ServiceID = LocServ.ServiceID
        left outer join UnitType on ServType.UnitTypeFID = UnitType.UnitTypeID
        left outer join LSStatus on LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        left outer join  XtraStop OriginXtraStop on OriginXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.OriginXtraStopFID
        left outer join XtraStopAddress OriginXtraStopAddress on OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = OriginXtraStop.Prikey
                and OriginXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        left outer join XtraStop DestinationXtraStop on DestinationXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.DestXtraStopFID
        left outer join XtraStopAddress DestinationXtraStopAddress on  DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = DestinationXtraStop.Prikey
                and DestinationXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        left outer join Profiles on Profiles.ProfileID = Orders.ProfileID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as OrigHPhone on  OrigHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and OrigHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginHomeTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber  as OrigWPhone on OrigWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and OrigWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginWorkTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as DestHPhone on DestHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and DestHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationHomeTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as DestWPhone on DestWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and DestWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationWorkTypeID
        left outer join OrderAddress OriginOrderAddress on  OriginOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey and OriginOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theOriginAddressType
        left outer join OrderAddress DestinationOrderAddress on DestinationOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey
                and DestinationOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theDestinationAddressType
        left outer join OrderAddress MovingToOrderAddress on MovingToOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey and MovingToOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theMovingToAddressType
        left outer join MoveType on Orders.MoveType = MoveType.PriKey
        left outer join Accounts on Orders.AcctPriKey = Accounts.AccountPriKey
        left outer join TripOrd on TripOrd.OrdPriKey = Orders.PriKey
        left outer join Trips on Trips.PriKey = TripOrd.TripPriKey
        left outer join Sysuser as Driver on Driver.SysUserID = Trips.DriverEmpNo
        left outer join Agent HaulAgent on Orders.HaulAgent = HaulAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent OrgAgent on Orders.OrgAgent = OrgAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent DestAgent on Orders.DestAgent = DestAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent BookAgent on Orders.BookAgent = BookAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join LSInstructions on LSInstructions.LSPriKey = LocServ.PriKey
        left outer join OperationalPlan on LocServ.OperationalPlanFID = OperationalPlan.OperationalPlanID
        left outer join OrderLocations oOrderLocations on LocServ.OriginOrderLocationFID = oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        left outer join OrderLocationAddress oOrderLocationAddress on ( oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID and
                oOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        left outer join OrderLocations dOrderLocations on LocServ.DestinationOrderLocationFID = dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        left outer join OrderLocationAddress dOrderLocationAddress on ( dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID
                and dOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        left outer join CrewReportLocation on LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID = CrewReportLocation.CrewReportLocationID
        left outer join ShipmentType ShipmentType on ShipmentType.ShipmentTypeID = Orders.ShipmentTypeFID
        left outer join CommType CommType on CommType.PriKey = Orders.Commodity  
        left outer join OrderInstructions as OOrderInstructions on OOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
                AND OOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 and OOrderInstructions.OriginDestination =''O''
        left outer join OrderInstructions as DOrderInstructions on DOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
                AND DOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 and DOrderInstructions.OriginDestination =''D''
        left outer join PayType as PayType on PayType.PayTypeID = Orders.PayTypeFID  
        OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Quantity) As NumberOfEquiments FROM LocalServiceEquipmentRequest WHERE LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey ) AS EquimentsRequested
                WHEN OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID = 3
                THEN dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrderContactPhoneNumber.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrderContactPhoneNumber.AreaCode, OrderContactPhoneNumber.LocalNumber )
                END ) AS CONTACT_MOBILE ,
                WHEN OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID = 1 THEN dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrderContactPhoneNumber.CountryCodeStandardFID,
                OrderContactPhoneNumber.AreaCode, OrderContactPhoneNumber.LocalNumber ) END ) AS CONTACT_PHONE,
                MAX(OrderContacts.Email) AS CONTACT_EMAIL  
                FROM OrderContacts
                LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderContactPhoneNumber ON OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactFID = OrderContacts.OrderContactID
                WHERE OrderContacts.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID IN (3,1)
                GROUP BY  OrderContacts.OrderContactID
                ORDER BY OrderContacts.OrderContactID ASC  OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY )
                AS CONTACTPHONES
        LEFT JOIN OfficeIndustrialOrder as ONI on ONI.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.Coordinator
        ) AS CNR_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.SalesPerson
        ) AS SP_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.LogisticCoordinator
        ) AS LGCNR_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT BranchAddress.Title AS BrAdd_Title, BranchAddress.Contact AS BrAdd_Contact, BranchAddress.Address AS BrAdd_Address,
            BranchAddress.City AS BrAdd_City, BranchAddress.State AS BrAdd_State, BranchAddress.Zip AS BrAdd_Zip, BranchAddress.County AS BrAdd_County
            , BranchAddress.Email AS BrAdd_Email, BranchAddress.Phone AS BrAdd_Phone, BranchAddress.PhoneExt AS BrAdd_PhoneExt, BranchAddress.Fax AS BrAdd_Fax
            FROM BranchAddress
            INNER JOIN BranchAddressType ON BranchAddressType.BranchAddressTypeID = BranchAddress.BranchAddressTypeFID
            AND BranchAddressType.BranchAddressType = ''Default''
            WHERE BranchAddress.BranchFID = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        ) AS Branch_Address

        where LocServ.ServStatus != @theVoidStatusID ) A '

        ELSE IF @inComIdentity = 'FB0E0056-F21C-4C12-B57E-AC60FABB5924'
        DECLARE @theOriginHomeTypeID INT, @theOriginWorkTypeID INT, @theDestinationHomeTypeID INT, @theDestinationWorkTypeID INT;
        DECLARE @theAddressTypeID INT, @theOriginAddressType INT, @theDestinationAddressType INT, @theMovingToAddressType INT, @theVoidStatusID INT;
        DECLARE @theLocServPriKeys TABLE ( LocServID INT, HasCPU INT );
        DECLARE @theCommonBranches TABLE ( BranchID INT, ServiceBranch VARCHAR(50) );

        SET @STATUS_RESERVED = ''Reserved'' ;
        SET @STATUS_BOOKED = ''Booked'';
        SET @STATUS_CLEARED = ''Cleared'';
        SET @STATUS_DISPATCHED = ''Dispatched'';
        SET @theOriginHomeTypeID = ( SELECT OrderPhoneTypeID FROM OrderPhoneType WHERE TypeName = ''Origin Home'' );
        SET @theOriginWorkTypeID = ( SELECT OrderPhoneTypeID FROM OrderPhoneType WHERE TypeName = ''Origin Work'' );
        SET @theDestinationHomeTypeID = ( SELECT OrderPhoneTypeID FROM OrderPhoneType WHERE TypeName = ''Destination Home'' );
        SET @theDestinationWorkTypeID = ( SELECT OrderPhoneTypeID FROM OrderPhoneType WHERE TypeName = ''Destination Work'' );

        INSERT INTO @theLocServPriKeys ( LocServID, HasCPU )
        FROM LocServ
        LEFT OUTER JOIN LSStatus ON LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        WHERE CONVERT( DATETIME, CONVERT( VARCHAR, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) >= CONVERT( datetime, CONVERT( varchar, @inBeginServiceDate, 101 ) ) AND
        CONVERT( DATETIME, CONVERT( VARCHAR, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) <= CONVERT( datetime, CONVERT( varchar, @inEndServiceDate, 101 ) ) AND

        UPDATE @theLocServPriKeys SET
            HasCPU = 1
        FROM @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        INNER JOIN LSMaterial ON theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSMaterial.LocServPriKey AND LSMaterial.EstQuantity > 0

        UPDATE @theLocServPriKeys SET
            HasCPU = 1
        FROM @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        INNER JOIN LSCrates ON theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSCrates.LSPriKey AND LSCrates.Quantity > 0
        WHERE theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU = 0

        INSERT INTO @theCommonBranches( BranchID, ServiceBranch )
            BranchID = Branch_Common.BranchPrikey,
            ServiceBranch = Branch_Common.BranchID
        FROM Branch Branch_Given
        INNER JOIN Branch Branch_Common ON ( Branch_Common.BranchPriKey = Branch_Given.BranchPriKey or ( Branch_Common.CommonView = Branch_Given.CommonView AND
            ISNULL( Branch_Given.CommonView, '''' ) != '''' ) )
        WHERE Branch_Given.BranchPriKey = @inBranchID

        SET @theAddressTypeID = ( SELECT AddressTypeID FROM AddressType WHERE TypeName = ''Main'' )
        SET @theOriginAddressType =( SELECT AddressTypeID FROM AddressType WHERE TypeName = ''Origin'' )
        SET @theDestinationAddressType = ( SELECT AddressTypeID FROM AddressType WHERE TypeName = ''Destination'' )
        SET @theMovingToAddressType = ( SELECT AddressTypeID FROM AddressType WHERE TypeName = ''MovingTo'')
        SET @theVoidStatusID = ( SELECT PriKey FROM LSStatus WHERE [Status] = ''Void'' )

        SELECT * FROM (
            LocServ.Prikey AS LocServID,
            LocServ.ServiceDate AS ServiceDate,
            dbo.FormatLastNameFirstName( Orders.LastName, Orders.FirstName ) AS ShipperName,
            CASE Orders.Archived WHEN 1 THEN Orders.ArchivedOrderNo + '' [A]'' ELSE Orders.OrderNo END AS OrderNumber,
            ServType.Service AS Service,
            LocServ.Crew AS NumberOfCrew,
            LocServ.TotCrewHrs AS CrewHours,
            LocServ.JobStart AS TimeJobStart,
            LocServ.JobEnd AS TimeJobEnd,
                WHEN oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN oOrderLocationAddress.Address1
                WHEN OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN OriginOrderAddress.Address1
                ELSE OriginXtraStopAddress.Address1
            END AS OriginAddress,
                WHEN oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN oOrderLocationAddress.City
                WHEN OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN OriginOrderAddress.City
                ELSE OriginXtraStopAddress.City
            END AS OriginCity,
                WHEN oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN oOrderLocationAddress.State
                WHEN OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN OriginOrderAddress.State
                ELSE OriginXtraStopAddress.State
                END AS OriginState,
                WHEN oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN oOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
                WHEN OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN OriginOrderAddress.PostalCode
                ELSE OriginXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
                END AS OriginZipCode,
                WHEN dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN dOrderLocationAddress.Address1
                WHEN DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN CASE
                    WHEN MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null THEN DestinationOrderAddress.Address1
                    ELSE MovingToOrderAddress.Address1
                ELSE DestinationXtraStopAddress.Address1
            END AS DestinationAddress,
                WHEN dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN dOrderLocationAddress.City
                WHEN DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN CASE
                    WHEN MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null THEN DestinationOrderAddress.City
                    ELSE MovingToOrderAddress.City
            ELSE DestinationXtraStopAddress.City
            END AS DestinationCity,
                WHEN dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN dOrderLocationAddress.State
                WHEN DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN CASE
                    WHEN MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null THEN DestinationOrderAddress.State
                    ELSE MovingToOrderAddress.State
                ELSE DestinationXtraStopAddress.State
            END AS DestinationState,
                WHEN dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null THEN dOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
                WHEN DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null THEN CASE
                    WHEN MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null THEN DestinationOrderAddress.PostalCode
                    ELSE MovingToOrderAddress.PostalCode
                ELSE DestinationXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
            END AS DestinationZipCode,
            Orders.PriKey AS OrderID,
            Orders.EstimatedWeight AS OrderEstimatedWeight,
            Orders.Weight AS OrderWeight,
            LocServ.WkTicketNo AS WkTicketNo,
            LSStatus.Status AS Status,
            LocServ.OriginDestination AS OriginDestination,
                WHEN EXISTS( SELECT OrderNoteDetail.OrderNoteDetailID FROM OrderNoteDetail WHERE OrderNoteDetail.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey ) THEN 1
                ELSE 0
            END AS NoteAttached,
                WHEN EXISTS( SELECT OrderNoteDetail.OrderNoteDetailID FROM OrderNoteDetail WHERE OrderNoteDetail.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey )
                THEN (SELECT TOP 1 OrderNoteDetail.NoteBody FROM OrderNoteDetail WHERE OrderNoteDetail.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey)
                ELSE ''''
            END AS NoteBody,
            ISNULL( dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderContainers( Orders.PriKey ), 0 ) AS TotalOrderContainers,
            ISNULL( dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceContainers( LocServ.PriKey ),
            CASE UnitType.Description
                WHEN ''Cartons'' THEN LocServ.Quantity
                ELSE 0
            END ) AS TotalServiceContainers,
            dbo.HasLeadAssignedToCrew( LocServ.PriKey ) AS CrewHasLead,
            dbo.GetLeadCrewEmail( LocServ.PriKey ) AS CrewLeadEmail,
            dbo.GetServiceCrewMemberList( LocServ.PriKey ) AS Crew,
            dbo.GetServiceEquipmentList( LocServ.PriKey ) AS Equipment,
            dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigHPhone.CountryCodeStANDardFID, OrigHPhone.AreaCode, OrigHPhone.LocalNumber ) AS FROMHomePhone,
            dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestHPhone.CountryCodeStANDardFID, DestHPhone.AreaCode, DestHPhone.LocalNumber ) AS ToHomePhone,
            dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigWPhone.CountryCodeStANDardFID, OrigWPhone.AreaCode, OrigWPhone.LocalNumber ) AS FROMWorkPhone,
            dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestWPhone.CountryCodeStANDardFID, DestWPhone.AreaCode, DestWPhone.LocalNumber ) AS ToWorkPhone,
            dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderCrates( Orders.PriKey ) AS TotalOrderCrates,
            dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceCrates( LocServ.PriKey ) AS TotalServiceCrates,
            LocServ.DispatchStatusFID AS DispatchStatusFID,
            dbo.GetShipmentStatus( LocServ.OrdPriKey ) AS ShipmentStatus,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( Driver.SysUserID, 1 ) AS DriverName,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.CreatedBy, 1 ) AS CreatedBy,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.SubmittedBy, 1 ) AS SubmittedBy,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.ClearedBy, 1 ) AS ClearedBy,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.LastEditedBy, 1 ) AS LastEditedBy,
            MoveType.MoveName AS MoveName,
            HaulAgent.AgentID AS HaulAgentID,
            HaulAgent.Name AS HaulAgentName,
            OrgAgent.AgentID AS OriginAgentID,
            OrgAgent.Name AS OriginAgentName,
            DestAgent.AgentID AS DestinationAgentID,
            DestAgent.Name AS DestinationAgentName,
            BookAgent.AgentID AS BookAgentID,
            BookAgent.Name AS BookAgentName,
            theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU AS HasCPU,
            CONVERT( bit, CASE UnitType.Description WHEN ''Cartons'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS UsesContainerUnits,
            dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.Coordinator, 1 ) AS CoordinatorName,
            Instruction = dbo.StripLfCrSpaces( LSInstructions.Instruction ),
            ISNULL( VanLine.VanLineCode, OrderBranchVanLine.VanLineCode ) AS OrderOrBranchVanLineCode,
            OperationalPlan.PlanName AS OperationalPlan,
            LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID AS CrewReportLocation,

            DOrderInstructions.Instruction AS DestSpecialInstruction,
            OOrderInstructions.Instruction AS OriginSpecialInstruction,
            MilitaryCarrier.Name AS MilitaryCarrierName,
            MilitaryBranchOfService.BranchOfService AS MilitaryBranchOfService,
   as Coordinator_Phone,
   as SalesPerson_Phone,
   as LogistiCoordinator_Phone ,
            ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate  
            FROM OrdMaterial  
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = OrdMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID  
            WHERE OrdMaterial.OrdPriKey= Orders.PriKey  
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ORDER BY 1 ASC  
            FOR XML PATH )  AS OrderCPUItems  ,
            ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate
            FROM LSMaterial
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = LSMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID
            WHERE LSMaterial.LocServPriKey= LocServ.PriKey
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ORDER BY 1 ASC
            FOR XML PATH )  AS LocalServiceCPUItems,
        OrderBranch.DOT  As Branch_DOT

        FROM @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        JOIN LocServ ON theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LocServ.PriKey
        JOIN @theCommonBranches CommonBranches ON CommonBranches.BranchID = LocServ.BranchPriKey
        JOIN Orders ON Orders.PriKey = LocServ.OrdPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN VanLine ON Orders.VanLineFID = VanLine.VLPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Branch AS OrderBranch ON Orders.BranchPriKey = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN VanLine AS OrderBranchVanLine ON OrderBranch.VLPriKey = OrderBranchVanLine.VLPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN ServType ON ServType.ServiceID = LocServ.ServiceID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN UnitType ON ServType.UnitTypeFID = UnitType.UnitTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN LSStatus ON LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        LEFT OUTER JOIN XtraStop OriginXtraStop ON OriginXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.OriginXtraStopFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN XtraStopAddress OriginXtraStopAddress ON
            OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = OriginXtraStop.Prikey AND
            OriginXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN XtraStop DestinationXtraStop ON DestinationXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.DestXtraStopFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN XtraStopAddress DestinationXtraStopAddress ON
            DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = DestinationXtraStop.Prikey AND
            DestinationXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Profiles ON Profiles.ProfileID = Orders.ProfileID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderPhoneNumber AS OrigHPhone ON
            OrigHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND
            OrigHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginHomeTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderPhoneNumber AS OrigWPhone ON
            OrigWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND
            OrigWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginWorkTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderPhoneNumber AS DestHPhone ON
            DestHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND
            DestHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationHomeTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderPhoneNumber AS DestWPhone ON
            DestWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND
            DestWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationWorkTypeID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderAddress OriginOrderAddress ON
            OriginOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey AND
            OriginOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theOriginAddressType
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderAddress DestinationOrderAddress ON
            DestinationOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey AND
            DestinationOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theDestinationAddressType
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderAddress MovingToOrderAddress ON
            MovingToOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey AND
            MovingToOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theMovingToAddressType
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MoveType ON Orders.MoveType = MoveType.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Accounts ON Orders.AcctPriKey = Accounts.AccountPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN TripOrd ON TripOrd.OrdPriKey = Orders.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Trips ON Trips.PriKey = TripOrd.TripPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Sysuser AS Driver ON Driver.SysUserID = Trips.DriverEmpNo
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Agent HaulAgent ON Orders.HaulAgent = HaulAgent.AgentPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Agent OrgAgent ON Orders.OrgAgent = OrgAgent.AgentPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Agent DestAgent ON Orders.DestAgent = DestAgent.AgentPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Agent BookAgent ON Orders.BookAgent = BookAgent.AgentPriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN LSInstructions ON LSInstructions.LSPriKey = LocServ.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OperationalPlan ON LocServ.OperationalPlanFID = OperationalPlan.OperationalPlanID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderLocations oOrderLocations ON LocServ.OriginOrderLocationFID = oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderLocationAddress oOrderLocationAddress ON
            ( oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID AND oOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderLocations dOrderLocations ON LocServ.DestinationOrderLocationFID = dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderLocationAddress dOrderLocationAddress ON ( dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID AND
            dOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        LEFT OUTER JOIN CrewReportLocation ON LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID = CrewReportLocation.CrewReportLocationID AND LocServ.ServStatus != @theVoidStatusID

        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderInstructions AS OOrderInstructions ON OOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND OOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 AND
            OOrderInstructions.OriginDestination = ''O''
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderInstructions AS DOrderInstructions ON DOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND DOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 AND
            DOrderInstructions.OriginDestination = ''D''
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryOrder ON MilitaryOrder.OrdersFID=Orders.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryCarrier ON MilitaryCarrier.MilitaryCarrierID= MilitaryOrder.MilitaryCarrierFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryBranchOfService ON MilitaryBranchOfService.MilitaryBranchOfServiceID = MilitaryOrder.MilitaryBranchOfServiceFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryCodeOfService ON MilitaryCodeOfService.MilitaryCodeOfServiceID = MilitaryOrder.MilitaryCodeOfServiceFID
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.Coordinator
        ) AS CNR_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.SalesPerson
        ) AS SP_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.LogisticCoordinator
        ) AS LGCNR_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT BranchAddress.Title AS BrAdd_Title, BranchAddress.Contact AS BrAdd_Contact, BranchAddress.Address AS BrAdd_Address,
            BranchAddress.City AS BrAdd_City, BranchAddress.State AS BrAdd_State, BranchAddress.Zip AS BrAdd_Zip, BranchAddress.County AS BrAdd_County
            , BranchAddress.Email AS BrAdd_Email, BranchAddress.Phone AS BrAdd_Phone, BranchAddress.PhoneExt AS BrAdd_PhoneExt, BranchAddress.Fax AS BrAdd_Fax
            FROM BranchAddress
            INNER JOIN BranchAddressType ON BranchAddressType.BranchAddressTypeID = BranchAddress.BranchAddressTypeFID
            AND BranchAddressType.BranchAddressType = ''Default''
            WHERE BranchAddress.BranchFID = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        ) AS Branch_Address

                ) A '


        ELSE IF @inComIdentity IN ('24BB477D-876D-403F-92D1-98326BA280D1', '6C3817A8-63FC-43B8-B269-510C145E6D40')
        DECLARE @STATUS_DISPATCHED VARCHAR(50), @theOriginHomeTypeID INT; DECLARE @theOriginWorkTypeID INT, @theDestinationHomeTypeID INT, @theDestinationWorkTypeID INT;
        DECLARE @theAddressTypeID INT, @theOriginAddressType INT, @theDestinationAddressType INT, @theMovingToAddressType INT, @theVoidStatusID INT;
        DECLARE @theLocServPriKeys TABLE ( LocServID int, HasCPU int ); DECLARE @theCommonBranches TABLE ( BranchID INT, ServiceBranch VARCHAR(50) );

        set @STATUS_RESERVED = ''Reserved'' ;
        set @STATUS_BOOKED = ''Booked'';
        set @STATUS_CLEARED = ''Cleared'';
        set @STATUS_DISPATCHED = ''Dispatched'';
        set @theOriginHomeTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Origin Home'' );
        set @theOriginWorkTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Origin Work'' );
        set @theDestinationHomeTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Destination Home'' );
        set @theDestinationWorkTypeID = ( select OrderPhoneTypeID from OrderPhoneType where TypeName = ''Destination Work'' );

        insert into @theLocServPriKeys ( LocServID, HasCPU )
        select LocServ.PriKey, 0
        from LocServ
        left outer join LSStatus on LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        where convert( datetime, convert( varchar, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) >= convert( datetime, convert( varchar, @inBeginServiceDate, 101 ) )
        and convert( datetime, convert( varchar, LocServ.ServiceDate, 101 ) ) <= convert( datetime, convert( varchar, @inEndServiceDate, 101 ) )

        update @theLocServPriKeys set HasCPU = 1
        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        inner join LSMaterial on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSMaterial.LocServPriKey and LSMaterial.EstQuantity > 0;
        update @theLocServPriKeys set HasCPU = 1
        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        inner join LSCrates  on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LSCrates.LSPriKey and LSCrates.Quantity > 0 where theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU = 0;
        insert into @theCommonBranches( BranchID, ServiceBranch )
        select BranchID = Branch_Common.BranchPrikey,   ServiceBranch = Branch_Common.BranchID
        from Branch Branch_Given
        inner join Branch Branch_Common on  ( Branch_Common.BranchPriKey = Branch_Given.BranchPriKey or ( Branch_Common.CommonView = Branch_Given.CommonView and
        isnull( Branch_Given.CommonView, '''' ) != '''' ) )
        where Branch_Given.BranchPriKey = @inBranchID
        set @theAddressTypeID = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Main'' ) ;
        set @theOriginAddressType =( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Origin'' ) ;
        set @theDestinationAddressType = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''Destination'' ) ;
        set @theMovingToAddressType = ( select AddressTypeID from AddressType where TypeName = ''MovingTo'') ;
        set @theVoidStatusID = ( select PriKey from LSStatus where [Status] = ''Void'' ) ;

        Select * from (
        LocServ.Prikey as LocServID,
        LocServ.ServiceDate as ServiceDate,
        dbo.FormatLastNameFirstName( Orders.LastName, Orders.FirstName ) as ShipperName,
        case Orders.Archived
            when 1 then Orders.ArchivedOrderNo + '' [A]''
            else Orders.OrderNo end as OrderNumber,
        ServType.Service as Service,
        LocServ.Crew as NumberOfCrew,
        LocServ.TotCrewHrs as CrewHours,
        LocServ.JobStart as TimeJobStart,
        LocServ.JobEnd as TimeJobEnd,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.Address1
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.Address1
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.Address1
        end as OriginAddress ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.Address2
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.Address2
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.Address2
        end  as OriginAddress1 ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.City
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.City
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.City
        end as OriginCity ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.State
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.State
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.State
        end as OriginState ,
            when oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then oOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
            when OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then OriginOrderAddress.PostalCode
            else OriginXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
        end as OriginZipCode ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.Address1
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.Address1
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.Address1 end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.Address1
        end as DestinationAddress ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.Address2
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.Address2
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.Address2 end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.Address2
        end as DestinationAddress1 ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.City
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.City
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.City end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.City
        end as DestinationCity ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.State
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null  then DestinationOrderAddress.State
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.State end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.State
        end as DestinationState ,
            when dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationAddressID is not null then dOrderLocationAddress.PostalCode
            when DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopAddressID is null  then
                    when MovingToOrderAddress.OrderAddressID is null then DestinationOrderAddress.PostalCode
                    else MovingToOrderAddress.PostalCode end
            else DestinationXtraStopAddress.PostalCode
        end as DestinationZipCode,
        Orders.PriKey as OrderID,
        Orders.EstimatedWeight as OrderEstimatedWeight,
        Orders.Weight as OrderWeight,
        LocServ.WkTicketNo as WkTicketNo,
        LSStatus.Status as Status,
        LocServ.OriginDestination as OriginDestination,
            when exists( select OrderNoteDetail.OrderNoteDetailID from OrderNoteDetail where OrderNoteDetail.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey ) then 1
            else 0
        end as NoteAttached ,
        isnull( dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderContainers( Orders.PriKey ), 0 ) as TotalOrderContainers,
        isnull( dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceContainers( LocServ.PriKey ),
        case UnitType.Description
            when ''Cartons'' then LocServ.Quantity
            else 0
        end ) as TotalServiceContainers ,
        dbo.HasLeadAssignedToCrew( LocServ.PriKey ) as CrewHasLead,
        dbo.GetLeadCrewEmail( LocServ.PriKey ) as CrewLeadEmail,
        dbo.GetServiceCrewMemberList( LocServ.PriKey ) as Crew,
        dbo.GetServiceEquipmentList( LocServ.PriKey ) as Equipment,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigHPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrigHPhone.AreaCode, OrigHPhone.LocalNumber ) as FromHomePhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestHPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID,  DestHPhone.AreaCode, DestHPhone.LocalNumber ) as ToHomePhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrigWPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrigWPhone.AreaCode, OrigWPhone.LocalNumber ) as FromWorkPhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( DestWPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, DestWPhone.AreaCode, DestWPhone.LocalNumber ) as ToWorkPhone,
        dbo.LocalDispatchSumOrderCrates( Orders.PriKey ) as TotalOrderCrates,
        dbo.LocalDispatchSumServiceCrates( LocServ.PriKey ) as TotalServiceCrates,
        LocServ.DispatchStatusFID as DispatchStatusFID,
        dbo.GetShipmentStatus( LocServ.OrdPriKey ) as ShipmentStatus,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Driver.SysUserID, 1 ) as DriverName,
        Orders.VanNum, LocServ.CreatedOn,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.CreatedBy, 1 ) as CreatedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.SubmittedBy, 1 ) as SubmittedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.ClearedBy, 1 ) as ClearedBy,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( LocServ.LastEditedBy, 1 ) as LastEditedBy,
        MoveType.MoveName as MoveName,
        Orders.MoveType ,
        HaulAgent.AgentID as HaulAgentID,
        HaulAgent.Name as HaulAgentName,
        OrgAgent.AgentID as OriginAgentID,
        OrgAgent.Name as OriginAgentName,
        DestAgent.AgentID as DestinationAgentID,
        DestAgent.Name as DestinationAgentName,
        BookAgent.AgentID as BookAgentID,
        BookAgent.Name as BookAgentName,
        theLocServPriKeys.HasCPU as HasCPU,
        convert( bit, case UnitType.Description when ''Cartons'' then 1 else 0 end ) as UsesContainerUnits,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.Coordinator, 1 ) as CoordinatorName,
        Instruction = dbo.StripLfCrSpaces( LSInstructions.Instruction ),
        isnull( VanLine.VanLineCode, OrderBranchVanLine.VanLineCode ) as OrderOrBranchVanLineCode,
        OperationalPlan.PlanName as OperationalPlan,
        LocServ.Sort1, LocServ.Sort2, LocServ.CrewReportTime,
        LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID as CrewReportLocation ,
        CommType.Commodity as CommodityName,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.LogisticCoordinator, 1 ) as LogisticCoordinator ,
        DOrderInstructions.Instruction as DestSpecialInstruction ,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( Orders.SalesPerson, 1 ) as SalesPerson,
        Orders.CubicFeet, Orders.LineHaul ,
        LocServ.HrsPerMan ,
        OOrderInstructions.Instruction as OriginSpecialInstruction,
        Orders.OrderStatus ,
        Orders.FirstName ,
        Orders.LastName ,
        Orders.StartPack ,
        Orders.EndPack ,
        Orders.StartDeliv ,
        Orders.EndDeliv ,
        Orders.CustomerNumber ,
        Orders.PurchaseOrderNo ,
        Orders.ValuationAmount ,
        dbo.GetSumOfOrderCpuEstimates(Orders.PriKey, ''Packing'') AS TotalOrderPackings,
        dbo.GetSumOfOrderCpuEstimates(Orders.PriKey, ''Unpacking'') AS TotalOrderUnpackings,
        PayType.PayName as PaymentType ,
        EquimentsRequested.NumberOfEquiments ,
        ( SELECT LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.LocalServiceEquipmentRequestID, EqType.[Type] AS EquipmentType, EqType.TypeNumber AS EquipmentTypeID,  
            LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.Quantity AS EquipmentQuantity
            FROM EqType
            left outer join LocalServiceEquipmentRequest ON EqType.TypeNumber = LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.EquipmentTypeFID
            AND LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey
            WHERE ISNULL( LocalServiceEquipmentRequest.Quantity, 0 ) > 0 FOR XML PATH )
            AS EquimentsRequestDetails ,
        ( SELECT LocalServiceLaborRequest.LocalServiceLaborRequestID, LaborType.LaborType, LaborType.PriKey AS LaborTypeID, LocalServiceLaborRequest.Quantity AS LaborRequestQuantity
            FROM LaborType
            LEFT OUTER JOIN LocalServiceLaborRequest ON  LaborType.PriKey = LocalServiceLaborRequest.LaborTypeFID
            AND LocalServiceLaborRequest.LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey
            WHERE ISNULL( LaborType.IsLocalDispatch, ''N'') = ''Y'' AND ISNULL( LocalServiceLaborRequest.Quantity, 0 ) > 0  FOR XML PATH )
            AS LaborRequestDetails ,
        dbo.GetSysuserName( ONI.ProjectManager, 1 ) as ProjectManager_Name,

                                REPLACE(ONI.ClientNote, CHAR(9), '''')
                                ,CHAR(10), '''')
                            ,CHAR(11), '''')
                        ,CHAR(12), '''')
                    ,CHAR(13), '''')
                ,CHAR(00), '''')
        )) AS ClientNote,

                                REPLACE(ONI.OperationalNote, CHAR(9), '''')
                                ,CHAR(10), '''')
                            ,CHAR(11), '''')
                        ,CHAR(12), '''')
                    ,CHAR(13), '''')
                ,CHAR(00), '''')
        )) AS OperationalNote,

        MilitaryCarrier.Name AS MilitaryCarrierName,
        MilitaryBranchOfService.BranchOfService AS MilitaryBranchOfService,
        PA.PickUpPostalCode ,
        ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate  
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN OrdMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate  
            FROM OrdMaterial  
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = OrdMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID  
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID  
            WHERE OrdMaterial.OrdPriKey= Orders.PriKey  
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description  
            ORDER BY 1 ASC  
            FOR XML PATH )  AS OrderCPUItems  ,
        ( SELECT  MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Container'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS ContainerEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Packing'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS PackingEstimate
            ,SUM (CASE WHEN MaterialCPUType.[Type] = ''Unpacking'' THEN LSMaterial.EstQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS UnpackingEstimate
            FROM LSMaterial
            INNER JOIN MaterialItemCodeMap ON MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialItemCodeMapID = LSMaterial.MaterialItemCodeMapFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialCPUType ON MaterialCPUType.MaterialCPUTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialCPUTypeFID
            INNER JOIN MaterialType ON MaterialType.MaterialTypeID = MaterialItemCodeMap.MaterialTypeFID
            WHERE LSMaterial.LocServPriKey= LocServ.PriKey
            GROUP BY MaterialType.MaterialTypeID, MaterialType.Description
            ORDER BY 1 ASC
            FOR XML PATH )  AS LocalServiceCPUItems,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( CellPhoneShipper.CountryCodeStandardFID, CellPhoneShipper.AreaCode, CellPhoneShipper.LocalNumber ) as Cell_Phone_Shipper,
        CASE WHEN Orders.CustomerNumber ! ='''' THEN CONCAT(dbo.GetCustomerName(Orders.CustomerNumber), '' ('' , Orders.CustomerNumber , '')'' ) ELSE NULL END AS BillToCustomer,
        authority.Description as  AuthorityName,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber(ConsignOriginPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, ConsignOriginPhone.AreaCode, ConsignOriginPhone.LocalNumber) AS ConsignOriginPhone,
        dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber(ConsignDestPhone.CountryCodeStandardFID, ConsignDestPhone.AreaCode, ConsignDestPhone.LocalNumber) AS ConsignDestPhone, as Coordinator_Phone, as SalesPerson_Phone, as LogistiCoordinator_Phone,
        OrderBranch.DOT As Branch_DOT

        from @theLocServPriKeys theLocServPriKeys
        join LocServ on theLocServPriKeys.LocServID = LocServ.PriKey
        join  @theCommonBranches CommonBranches on CommonBranches.BranchID = LocServ.BranchPriKey
        join Orders on Orders.PriKey = LocServ.OrdPriKey
        left outer join VanLine on Orders.VanLineFID = VanLine.VLPriKey
        left outer join Branch as OrderBranch on Orders.BranchPriKey = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        left outer join VanLine as OrderBranchVanLine on OrderBranch.VLPriKey = OrderBranchVanLine.VLPriKey
        left outer join ServType on ServType.ServiceID = LocServ.ServiceID
        left outer join UnitType on ServType.UnitTypeFID = UnitType.UnitTypeID
        left outer join LSStatus on LSStatus.PriKey = LocServ.ServStatus
        left outer join  XtraStop OriginXtraStop on OriginXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.OriginXtraStopFID
        left outer join XtraStopAddress OriginXtraStopAddress on OriginXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = OriginXtraStop.Prikey
                and OriginXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        left outer join XtraStop DestinationXtraStop on DestinationXtraStop.Prikey = LocServ.DestXtraStopFID
        left outer join XtraStopAddress DestinationXtraStopAddress on  DestinationXtraStopAddress.XtraStopFID = DestinationXtraStop.Prikey
                and DestinationXtraStopAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID
        left outer join Profiles on Profiles.ProfileID = Orders.ProfileID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as OrigHPhone on  OrigHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and OrigHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginHomeTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber  as OrigWPhone on OrigWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and OrigWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theOriginWorkTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as DestHPhone on DestHPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and DestHPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationHomeTypeID
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as DestWPhone on DestWPhone.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and DestWPhone.OrderPhoneTypeFID = @theDestinationWorkTypeID
        left outer join OrderAddress OriginOrderAddress on  OriginOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey and OriginOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theOriginAddressType
        left outer join OrderAddress DestinationOrderAddress on DestinationOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey
                and DestinationOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theDestinationAddressType
        left outer join OrderAddress MovingToOrderAddress on MovingToOrderAddress.OrderFID = Orders.Prikey and MovingToOrderAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theMovingToAddressType
        left outer join MoveType on Orders.MoveType = MoveType.PriKey
        left outer join Accounts on Orders.AcctPriKey = Accounts.AccountPriKey
        left outer join TripOrd on TripOrd.OrdPriKey = Orders.PriKey
        left outer join Trips on Trips.PriKey = TripOrd.TripPriKey
        left outer join Sysuser as Driver on Driver.SysUserID = Trips.DriverEmpNo
        left outer join Agent HaulAgent on Orders.HaulAgent = HaulAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent OrgAgent on Orders.OrgAgent = OrgAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent DestAgent on Orders.DestAgent = DestAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join Agent BookAgent on Orders.BookAgent = BookAgent.AgentPriKey
        left outer join LSInstructions on LSInstructions.LSPriKey = LocServ.PriKey
        left outer join OperationalPlan on LocServ.OperationalPlanFID = OperationalPlan.OperationalPlanID
        left outer join OrderLocations oOrderLocations on LocServ.OriginOrderLocationFID = oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        left outer join OrderLocationAddress oOrderLocationAddress on ( oOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = oOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID and
                oOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        left outer join OrderLocations dOrderLocations on LocServ.DestinationOrderLocationFID = dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID
        left outer join OrderLocationAddress dOrderLocationAddress on ( dOrderLocations.OrderLocationID = dOrderLocationAddress.OrderLocationFID
                and dOrderLocationAddress.AddressTypeFID = @theAddressTypeID )
        left outer join CrewReportLocation on LocServ.CrewReportLocationFID = CrewReportLocation.CrewReportLocationID
        left outer join ShipmentType ShipmentType on ShipmentType.ShipmentTypeID = Orders.ShipmentTypeFID
        left outer join CommType CommType on CommType.PriKey = Orders.Commodity  
        left outer join OrderInstructions as OOrderInstructions on OOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
                AND OOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 and OOrderInstructions.OriginDestination =''O''
        left outer join OrderInstructions as DOrderInstructions on DOrderInstructions.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
                AND DOrderInstructions.OrderInstructionTypeFID = 1 and DOrderInstructions.OriginDestination =''D''
        left outer join PayType as PayType on PayType.PayTypeID = Orders.PayTypeFID  
        OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Quantity) As NumberOfEquiments FROM LocalServiceEquipmentRequest WHERE LocalServiceFID = LocServ.PriKey ) AS EquimentsRequested
                WHEN OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID = 3
                THEN dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrderContactPhoneNumber.CountryCodeStandardFID, OrderContactPhoneNumber.AreaCode, OrderContactPhoneNumber.LocalNumber )
                END ) AS CONTACT_MOBILE ,
                WHEN OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID = 1 THEN dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( OrderContactPhoneNumber.CountryCodeStandardFID,
                OrderContactPhoneNumber.AreaCode, OrderContactPhoneNumber.LocalNumber ) END ) AS CONTACT_PHONE,
                MAX(OrderContacts.Email) AS CONTACT_EMAIL  
                FROM OrderContacts
                LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderContactPhoneNumber ON OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactFID = OrderContacts.OrderContactID
                WHERE OrderContacts.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey AND OrderContactPhoneNumber.OrderContactPhoneTypeFID IN (3,1)
                GROUP BY  OrderContacts.OrderContactID
                ORDER BY OrderContacts.OrderContactID ASC  OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY )
                AS CONTACTPHONES
        LEFT OUTER JOIN OfficeIndustrialOrder as ONI on ONI.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryOrder ON MilitaryOrder.OrdersFID=Orders.PriKey
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryCarrier ON MilitaryCarrier.MilitaryCarrierID= MilitaryOrder.MilitaryCarrierFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryBranchOfService ON MilitaryBranchOfService.MilitaryBranchOfServiceID = MilitaryOrder.MilitaryBranchOfServiceFID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MilitaryCodeOfService ON MilitaryCodeOfService.MilitaryCodeOfServiceID = MilitaryOrder.MilitaryCodeOfServiceFID
        OUTER APPLY (
        SELECT TOP 1 PickUpAddress.Address1 AS PickUpAddress1, PickUpAddress.Address2 AS PickUpAddress2, PickUpAddress.City AS PickUpCity,
        PickUpAddress.State AS PickUpState, PickUpAddress.PostalCode AS PickUpPostalCode,
        PickUpXStop.OrdPriKey FROM  XtraStop AS PickUpXStop  
        INNER JOIN XtraStopAddress AS PickUpAddress ON PickUpAddress.XtraStopFID=PickUpXStop.PriKey and PickUpXStop.OriginDest = ''O''
        WHERE PickUpXStop.OrdPriKey = Orders.PriKey ORDER BY PickUpXStop.PriKey ASC ) AS PA
        OUTER APPLY (
        SELECT TOP 1 DeliveryAddress.Address1 AS DeliveryAddress1, DeliveryAddress.Address2 AS DeliveryAddress2, DeliveryAddress.City AS DeliveryCity,
        DeliveryAddress.State AS DeliveryState, DeliveryAddress.PostalCode AS DeliveryPostalCode ,DeliveryXStop.OrdPriKey
        FROM XtraStop AS DeliveryXStop
        INNER JOIN XtraStopAddress AS DeliveryAddress ON DeliveryAddress.XtraStopFID=DeliveryXStop.PriKey and DeliveryXStop.OriginDest = ''D''
        WHERE DeliveryXStop.OrdPriKey = Orders.PriKey ORDER BY DeliveryXStop.PriKey ASC ) AS DA  

        OUTER APPLY (
        SELECT OLA.OrderLocationAddressID AS OLA1ID, OLA.Address1 AS OLA1Address1, OLA.Address2 AS OLA1Address2, OLA.City AS OLA1City,
        OLA.State AS OLA1State , OLA.PostalCode AS OLA1PostalCode
        FROM OrderLocationAddress AS OLA
        INNER JOIN OrderLocations AS OLS ON OLA.OrderLocationFID = OLS.OrderLocationID
        INNER JOIN LocServOrderLocationMap on LocServOrderLocationMap.OrderLocationFID = OLS.OrderLocationID
        WHERE LocServOrderLocationMap.LocServFID = LocServ.PriKey  
        Order by OLA.OrderLocationAddressID ASC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY ) AS OLA1
        OUTER APPLY (
        SELECT OLA.OrderLocationAddressID AS OLA2ID, OLA.Address1 AS OLA2Address1, OLA.Address2 AS OLA2Address2, OLA.City AS OLA2City,
        OLA.State AS OLA2State , OLA.PostalCode AS OLA2PostalCode
        FROM OrderLocationAddress AS OLA
        INNER JOIN OrderLocations AS OLS ON OLA.OrderLocationFID = OLS.OrderLocationID
        INNER JOIN LocServOrderLocationMap on LocServOrderLocationMap.OrderLocationFID = OLS.OrderLocationID
        WHERE LocServOrderLocationMap.LocServFID = LocServ.PriKey  
        Order by OLA.OrderLocationAddressID ASC OFFSET 1 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY ) AS OLA2
        left outer join OrderPhoneNumber as CellPhoneShipper on CellPhoneShipper.OrderFID = Orders.PriKey and CellPhoneShipper.OrderPhoneTypeFID = 16
        left outer join AuthorityTypes as authority on authority.AuthPriKey = Orders.AuthPriKey
        left outer join Valuation as Valuation on Valuation.ValuationID = Orders.ValuationFID

        left outer join OrderConsign As OrderConsignOrigin ON OrderConsignOrigin.OrdersFID=Orders.PriKey AND OrderConsignOrigin.ConsignTypeFID=1
        left outer join OrderConsignPhoneNumber AS ConsignOriginPhone ON ConsignOriginPhone.OrderConsignFID=OrderConsignOrigin.OrderConsignID
        left outer join OrderConsign AS OrderConsignDest ON OrderConsignDest.OrdersFID=Orders.PriKey AND OrderConsignDest.ConsignTypeFID=2
        left outer join OrderConsignPhoneNumber AS ConsignDestPhone ON ConsignDestPhone.OrderConsignFID=OrderConsignDest.OrderConsignID
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.Coordinator
        ) AS CNR_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.SalesPerson
        ) AS SP_Phone
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT dbo.GetFormattedPhoneNumber( pn.CountryCodeStandardFID, pn.AreaCode, pn.LocalNumber ) as phone
            FROM SysUserPhoneNumber pn
            JOIN SysUserPhoneType pt ON pt.SysUserPhoneTypeID=pn.SysUserPhoneTypeFID AND pt.TypeName =''Work''
            WHERE pn.SysUserFID = Orders.LogisticCoordinator
        ) AS LGCNR_Phone

        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT BranchAddress.Title AS BrAdd_Title, BranchAddress.Contact AS BrAdd_Contact, BranchAddress.Address AS BrAdd_Address,
            BranchAddress.City AS BrAdd_City, BranchAddress.State AS BrAdd_State, BranchAddress.Zip AS BrAdd_Zip, BranchAddress.County AS BrAdd_County
            , BranchAddress.Email AS BrAdd_Email, BranchAddress.Phone AS BrAdd_Phone, BranchAddress.PhoneExt AS BrAdd_PhoneExt, BranchAddress.Fax AS BrAdd_Fax
            FROM BranchAddress
            INNER JOIN BranchAddressType ON BranchAddressType.BranchAddressTypeID = BranchAddress.BranchAddressTypeFID
            AND BranchAddressType.BranchAddressType = ''Default''
            WHERE BranchAddress.BranchFID = OrderBranch.BranchPriKey
        ) AS Branch_Address

                ) A '

        SET @SQL =    @SQL +    @inDynamicWhere + N' ORDER BY a.LocServID ASC OFFSET (@inPageNo-1)*@RowsPerPage ROWS FETCH NEXT @RowsPerPage ROWS ONLY FOR XML RAW';

        EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL, @ParmDefinition, @inBeginServiceDate,@inEndServiceDate, @inBranchID, @inPageNo, @RowsPerPage
GRANT EXECUTE ON  [arvy].[GetLocalDispatchByDateAndBranch] TO [MssExec]