create view [dbo].[vARCreditCollections]
CustomerNumber = gpw.CustomerNumber,
OrderNumber = gpw.OrderNumber,
InvoiceNumber = gpw.InvoiceNumber,
InvoiceDate = gpw.InvoiceDate,
InvoiceTotal = gpw.InvoiceAmount,
DaysOld = gpw.InvoiceAge,
InvoiceCreatedDate = gpw.InvoiceCreatedDate,
InvoiceCreatedBy = gpw.InvoiceCreatedBy,
ShipperName = gpw.Shipper,
FromAddress = gpw.OrderOriginAddress,
ToAddress = gpw.OrderDestinationAddress,
RevenueClerk = rev.FIRSTNAME + ' ' + rev.LASTNAME,
TypeOfMove = mt.MoveName,
NationalAccount = a.AcctName,
Alerts = arct.ARCAlertDescription,
PurchaseOrderNumber = gpw.PONumber,
GBLNumber = gpw.GBLNumber,
DocumentNumber = gpw.DocumentNumber,
OriginalAmount = gpw.OriginalTransactionAmount,
CurrentBalance = gpw.CurrentTransactionAmount,
DocumentType = gpw.DocumentType,
DocumentDescription = gpw.DocumentDescription,
ItemCode = gpw.ItemCode,
JournalDate = gpw.JournalDate,
DocumentDate = gpw.DocumentDate,
DatePosted = gpw.PostDate,
DocumentAge = gpw.DocumentAge,
Branch = b.BranchID,
Collector = coll.FIRSTNAME + ' ' + coll.LASTNAME
from GPWarehouse gpw
join Orders o on gpw.OrderID = o.PriKey
left join Sysuser rev on o.RevenueClerk = rev.SysUserID
left join MoveType mt on o.MoveType = mt.PriKey
left join Accounts a on o.AcctPriKey = a.AccountPriKey
left join ARCTriggeredAlertOrderMap arct on gpw.OrderID = arct.OrderFID and gpw.InvoicedHeaderID = arct.InvoicedHeaderFID
left join Branch b on gpw.BranchFID = b.BranchPriKey
left join ARCCustomerInformation arcc on gpw.CustomerNumber = arcc.CustomerNumber
left join Sysuser coll on arcc.CollectorSysuserFID = coll.SysUserID
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[vARCreditCollections] TO [MssExec]
GRANT INSERT ON [dbo].[vARCreditCollections] TO [MssExec]
GRANT DELETE ON [dbo].[vARCreditCollections] TO [MssExec]
GRANT UPDATE ON [dbo].[vARCreditCollections] TO [MssExec]