create view [dbo].[vRevenueEntry]
OrderId = o.PriKey,
OrderNumber = o.Orderno,
OrderBranch = b.BranchID,
ShipperLastName = o.LastName,
ShipperFirstName = o.FirstName,
RevenueClerk = rtrim(rev.FirstName) + ' ' + rtrim(rev.LastName),
SalesPerson = rtrim(sls.FirstName) + ' ' + rtrim(sls.LastName),
TypeOfMove = mt.MoveName,
Commodity = ct.Commodity,
AuthorityType = at.Description,
TariffRate = o.TariffContract,
BilledDate = o.ReleaseDate,
OriginCity = oao.City,
OriginState = oao.State,
OriginZip = oao.PostalCode,
DestinationCity = oad.City,
DestinationState = oad.State,
DestinationZip = oad.PostalCode,
CustomerNumber = o.CustomerNumber,
PaymentType = pt.PayName,
PaymentMethod = pm.Method,
PurchaseOrder = o.PurchaseOrderNo,
TotalEstimateAmount = o.EstAmt,
TotalActualAmount = o.ActualCost,
EstimatedDiscountedLinehaul = o.LineHaul,
ActualDiscountedLinehaul = o.ActLineHaul,
Weight = o.Weight,
Miles = o.Miles,
Discount = o.Discount,
HaulingDocumentsReceivedDate = o.PaperworkRecd,
NationalAccount = a.AcctName,
RevenueGroup = bmj.Description,
RevenueGroupAmount = bmj.Amount,
RevenueGroupInv = bmj.InvoiceFlag,
RevenueItem = bmn.Description,
RevenueItemServiceCode = ic.ItemCode,
RevenueItemAmount = bmn.Amount,
RevenueItemPct = bmn.Percentage,
RevenueItemQty1 = bmn.Quantity,
RevenueItemQty2 = bmn.Quantity2,
RevenueItemRate = bmn.Rate,
RevenueItemAgent = revagt.AgentID,
RevenueItemDivision = revdiv.Number,
RevenueItemInv = bmn.InvoiceFlag,
RevenueItemDocumentNumber = bmn.DocumentNumber,
RevenueItemDocumentDate = bmn.DocDate,
RevenueItemJournalDate = bmn.JournalDate,
RevenueItemPostedDate = bmn.PostedDate,
RevenueItemPostedBy = pb.FIRSTNAME + ' ' + pb.LASTNAME,
CommissionItem = cd.Description,
CommissionAmount = cd.Amount,
CommissionPct = cd.CommissionPerc,
CommissionDocumentNumber = cd.DocumentNumber,
CommissionDocumentDate = cd.DocDate,
CommissionJournalDate = cd.JournalDate,
CommissionPostedDate = cd.PostedDate,
CommissionPostedBy = cpb.FIRSTNAME + ' ' + cpb.LASTNAME,
ThirdPartyItem = tp.Description,
ThirPartyVendorNumber = tp.VendorID,
ThirdPartyAmount = tp.PayableAmount,
ThirdPartyDocumentNumber = tp.DocumentNumber,
ThirdPartyDocumentDate = tp.DocDate,
ThirdPartyJournalDate = tp.JournalDate,
ThirdPartyPostedDate = tp.PostedDate,
ThirdPartyPostedBy = tpb.FIRSTNAME + ' ' + tpb.LASTNAME
from Orders o
join BillingMajorItem bmj on o.PriKey = bmj.OrdPriKey
left join Branch b on o.BranchPriKey = b.BranchPriKey
left join Sysuser rev on o.RevenueClerk = rev.SysuserID
left join Sysuser sls on o.SalesPerson = sls.SysuserID
left join MoveType mt on o.MoveType = mt.PriKey
left join CommType ct on o.Commodity = ct.PriKey
left join AuthorityTypes at on o.AuthPriKey = at.AuthPriKey
left join OrderAddress oao on o.PriKey = oao.OrderFID and oao.AddressTypeFID = (select at.AddressTypeID from AddressType at where at.TypeName = 'Origin')
left join OrderAddress oad on o.PriKey = oad.OrderFID and oad.AddressTypeFID = (select at.AddressTypeID from AddressType at where at.TypeName = 'Destination')
left join PayType pt on o.PayTypeFID = pt.PayTypeID
left join PayMethod pm on o.PayMethodFID = pm.PayMethodID
left join Accounts a on o.AcctPriKey = a.AccountPriKey
left join BillingMinorItem bmn on bmj.BMajPriKey = bmn.BMajPriKey
left join ItemCode ic on bmn.ICPriKey = ic.ICPriKey
left join Agent revagt on b.AgentPriKey = revagt.AgentPriKey
left join Division revdiv on bmn.DivisionFID = revdiv.DivisionID
left join Sysuser pb on bmn.PostedBy = pb.SysUserID
left join CommissionedDetail cd on bmn.BMinPriKey = cd.BMinPriKey
left join Sysuser cpb on cd.PostedBy = cpb.SysUserID
left join ThirdParty tp on bmn.BMinPriKey = tp.BMinPriKey
left join Sysuser tpb on tp.PostedBy = tpb.SysUserID
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[vRevenueEntry] TO [MssExec]
GRANT INSERT ON [dbo].[vRevenueEntry] TO [MssExec]
GRANT DELETE ON [dbo].[vRevenueEntry] TO [MssExec]
GRANT UPDATE ON [dbo].[vRevenueEntry] TO [MssExec]