EWS Group MoversSuite (223 × 62 px) (1)

Silent Mode Installation

You can run the MoversSuite client installer in the background with no option prompts, etc. To do this, execute the installer with a /q appended to the command. The following is the format for running the installer in silent mode.


[Path_to_Installer]\MoversSuite[Short_Version_Number]_ClientSetup.exe /q


C:\Program Files (x86)\MoversSuite\MoversSuite2018.10_ClientSetup.exe /q

This message indicates that some other user is currently running Order Entry and is in the process of adding a new order. If the name of the user is given, have that user end out of all Vans sessions and the lock message should clear. If the message is not cleared, then there is either a disconnected session for that user or there are multiple people using the same account.
If the error persists, please contact EWS Group support to have use locate the session that is causing the lock message.
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